*9* Never Forget

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"What's that?" Natasha looks out the window when she puts the plate she picked up back down onto the table.

"What's what?" Steve walks over to her wiping his hands with a cloth in the process.

"Do you see it?" They walk closer to the window and she points her finger at something in the trees. "Is that fire?" She squints her eyes and Steve turns on his heels.

"It is. FRIDAY!" He calls out as he runs to change.

"Yes sir?" FRIDAY replies.

"Where's Bucky and Y/N?" He asks and FRIDAY checks through the recordings.

"The last time I saw them they were heading down to the lake." Steve growls.

"Tell everyone to suit up! I'm sure there's something going on down there." FRIDAY agrees and calls through the speakers in every room. Steve meets everyone outside of the gym, he signals them to move down to the lake towards the fire. Tony flew above with vision next to him, he stopped when he saw the fire.

"Tony, put out the fire!" Nat yells up at him as she continues running, Tony obeys and puts the flames out. Steam arose and everyone stopped, multiple people, dressed head to toe in black fabric looked up. Natasha looks at you, your head was fallen back while you were being held up by the wrists. Flames came from the whips tightly wrapped around your skin and she yelled, she ran towards one of the figures just before they threw a ball of fire at her, she dodged it and tripped them onto the floor. Everyone began running to a separate person and fought them to their best abilities. Fire was thrown around in every direction, luckily not hitting anyone, the whips were gone from your wrists and you were now on the floor with red lines on your skin from the flames that burned you.

"Get them out of here!" Steve yells as he blocks a ball of fire with his shields, Wanda runs to you and bends down to see if you could wake up but you didn't move a muscle.

"Strange! I need your help!" She calls before running to Bucky, someone strikes her over the head and she falls to the ground letting a grunt escape her lips. The man that hit her down began forming a ball of fire in his palm, he was buff underneath the back clothing and his deep breaths were loud enough to know it was a man under the fabric that covered his mouth. A grimacing choke came from his mouth when he was shot in his back by an arrow, he fell to the ground and Wanda looked up to see a smirk from Clint as he shot another arrow at someone causing them to drop to the floor. Stephen finally showed up and teleported you and Bucky into the facility where Bruce took control of the situation.

"Crìonadh!" A man's voice is slightly muffled under fabric, they all stop fighting and begin to retreat into the trees.

"Wanda. Are you alright?" Natasha asks as she runs towards her.

"Yeh. I'll live." She hisses when she stands up. "We need to check on Y/N and Bucky." Everybody nods and begins to leave, Steve stayed behind and looked into the trees.

"You coming?" Nat asks before walking over to him.

"Do you think those were the people Y/N warned us about?" He cocks his head to the side and looks deeper into the shadows of the trees.

"I don't know I guess we'll have to ask her." Natasha shrugs her shoulders.

"I guess so." Natasha gives him a side smile before patting his back.

"It'll be ok." She places her lips to his cheek and he closes his eyes with a sigh. They make their way back up to the facility to find everyone gathered at the entrance of the medical bay.

"What's going on?" Steve asks as they come closer. The door opens and Steve looks over everyone's heads to see Bruce. His head hung low as he trudged out into the centre of the room.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora