*28* Black hole

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You glared darkly at Elliore as his eyes widened at the sight in front of him, the wind picked up behind you. You opened a black hole but it wasn't sucking anything in, demonic screeching came from inside as dark bony corpses fly out and around you, their bones cracked every time they jerked their heads and bodies. You smirked seeing Elliore's shocked face, the corpses look at him before flying his way, his breathing hitched looking at their faces.

"Mum." He gasped as one of them hovered in front of him cracking their neck as they tilted their head from side to side.

"It's time to come back." One of them grabbed his shoulder with their bony hands and demented voice that echoed and cracked. He shakes his head and looks at you, you watch as they pull and scratch at his skin slowly pushing him to the black hole.

"No! Stop!" He called out while trying to fly away from their grasp, he throws a fire ball at one and their bones break and get sucked into the blackness that you created. You groan and fly towards him, the corpses let go of him letting you grab his neck and push him into the black hole. His body engulfed inside of the darkness only showing his head as he tried to push against you, you snarled at him and screamed pushing him further. His skin started to stretch making your stomach whirl at the sight, the demonic screeching suffocated your ears again before seeing bony hands grasp onto his face pulling him back. He kept a firm grip on your arms trying to stop himself from being sucked into the void of darkness waiting for him, your eyes turned black when you felt the strength of the Dark Knight take over you.

"Your time is over." Your voice echoed deeply as if there were five of you, his eyes went wide and you pushed harder. He pulled on you taking you off guard, your body flung face first into the blackness. Your eyes were open but they felt like they were closed, your body was light as it floated in the darkness. You heard whispers jump from one ear and to the other causing your brain to hurt, it was your mothers voice, but you didn't understand what she was saying. Your brothers voice followed by your fathers then cut in, their words were scrambled and you tried to decode it but you couldn't. You didn't know what to do, you couldn't see anything, it was silent except for the voices in your head. You shouldn't be able to breathe, you shouldn't be alive. You think hard and picture the stormy clouds once more, if you created this black hole then you can get yourself out of it.

You feel a breeze around you and spot a small white light, you hold your hand out as it floats towards you. The cold air touched you immediately cooling your body down, you closed your eyes as your head came closer to the light, the tip of your nose froze from the wind and you opened your eyes to see the dark grey clouds again. You smiled to yourself as your body slowly made its way through the darkness and back into the world, you were finally out before feeling something grab onto your foot. Looking down you saw a hand with the flesh being ripped off to show the bone hold tightly onto your boot, you tried to shake it off and fly away but they kept their grip firm. Their face showed and your eyes widened, Elliore's skin was ripping off and turning a mouldy green as his bones showed and faded into a dark grey.

"Get off!" You hiss through gritted teeth kicking at his hand, you bend your knee bringing you close enough to kick him in the head. More of his skin shed off of his bones taking every nerve and muscle with it. You couldn't understand how he was still alive, his skin was being peeled off of his bones and he still tried to escape the black hole.

His eyes lit into flames, you made your body vibrate as fast as it could causing you to glow. His limbs that were holding onto you began to shine with the same white energy you were creating, his teeth chattered before letting a deafening scream out. You closed your eyes and forced the black hole to close, it slowly shut and cut the parts of Elliore that were sticking out in half. A large white light exploded sending you and the remaining top half of Elliore back down to the ground, your wings failed to move and your eyes were in slits as you fell backwards against the wind. You closed your eyes and held your breath waiting to hit the ground.

You felt your body jerk when someone grabbed you tightly in their arms, you didn't open your eyes but kept them closed; you couldn't open your eyes... your eyelids refused to peel themselves apart. You heard the squirt of web shooters instantly calming you knowing who it was. The breeze stopped and the sound of twigs snapping under someone's feet caught your attention, your body was moved into familiar strong arms before their soft fingers caressed your cheek.

"Wake up, doll." You heard the worry in Bucky's voice, he was desperate to know if you were ok. You forced your eyes open slowly and looked into his glossy crystal ones staring down at you in his arms.

"You, you... you killed him." A woman's voice spoke over everyone else's whispering, she didn't sound familiar and neither did she look it once you turned your head towards the noise. You saw the uniform she was wearing, she was one of Elliore's soldiers, looking down at her hand she held his skull with the skin slowly rotting and flaking onto the ground. You look up to see the storm fade as the Zorians calmed themselves.

You look back to Bucky and smile making him giggle and pull you into a tight embrace, you dug your face into his neck ignoring the sweat that had formed from his fighting. Everything was over, Elliore was gone for good, all you had to do was figure out what to do with the rest of his people and the Zorians who worked with him. You pull away and hold onto the back of Bucky's neck looking at his face before you remembered something causing your heart to drop.

"Conner. Where is he?" You ask frantically, he drops his head and looks away. "Bucky..." You bite your lip and place a finger under his chin.

"He didn't make it. We tried to get him, but it was too late." Your heart drops and your eyes begin to water. You blamed yourself, you could've done something, but you chose Elliore over him. He tried changing and was slowly making progress, but you took that chance to make a difference away from him.

"It's my fault. I should've gone after him." You beat yourself up and bury your face in your palms.

"Hey, hey." Bucky comforts you and gently cups the sides of your face making you look back to him. "It is not your fault, from what I could see you were doing what you had to do. I heard your conversation, you did the right thing." He comforts you and you let yourself break down, you were tired and sore.

"James..." You whisper and hold his wrist, he smiles at you warmly letting you fall into his arms.

"It's ok." He strokes your head and kisses your temples as you curled into his chest.

"Uh... what now?" Peter asks standing awkwardly in front of you and Bucky.

"Hey, you!" Tony calls out to one of Elliore's soldiers catching their attention. "Are you guys gonna continue trying to take over this world or can we just finish up and go home?" You heard sighs from your team members and you could feel the presence of long eye rolls and mental face palms.

"I-..." A man struggled on what to say, he looked to his team surrounding him and they all shrugged. "Without Elliore here, I don't think we have any use for this planet." You smile into Bucky's chest feeling him pull you closer.

"It's a lame planet anyways." A woman's cold icy voice echoed after the man.

"So... you'll leave us be?" Stephen asked and you could hear whispers all around you.

"Yeh, for now at least." You pull away from Bucky and look at the woman with long grey hair staring at you with her dark jet black eyes. "You've proven yourselves great warriors, and you've earned our respects." She nodded at you and you smiled at her change of heart. You watch as every Ugrarathian jumps into their own portal and every Zorian flys up into the clouds disappearing into nothing, you look around at everyone.

You could see the tiredness show and your heart fluttered knowing it was officially over and safe for you to continue on with your life. Bucky helps you up off the ground and you wipe yourself down once you get onto your feet, you smile at everyone and they join in with laughter and applause. They were happy, you were happy, but you were all tired. You knew the next few days would just be time to catch up on sleep and gain back the energy you lost from today, you could finally have your mind set on one thing. Bucky. You could plan your wedding without any distractions, you can plan your honeymoon without worrying that Elliore was going to attack your friends that were like your family.

You could all finally rest with a clear mind.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz