*24* Diamond

158 3 6

"Woah!" You duck down when the end of Natasha's Kali stick slices through the air. It's been a week and a half since Conner removed the Ugrarathian magic from your body, your hand was healing fast but Bruce and Tony still struggled to figure out how to get your powers working. They had Shuri help but even she had a difficult time figuring out a solution, they didn't know anything about Zorians and how their powers work; it was almost impossible for them to come up with something. In the mean time, you started training again so you could be ready to fight without your powers just in case.

Natasha swung the Kali stick in her right hand around to your neck before you blocked it with your left and grabbed her other Kali stick as she swung it towards your torso. The wood slapping onto your palm stung for a few seconds before she pulled back and took her stance once more, you spun both of the sticks you held around in your hands and smirked.

"You've gotten better." She pants and you chuckle.

"What can I say? I'm a natural." You flatter yourself and shrug your shoulders before she jumps at you, blocking every hit she swung you managed to disarm her right hand leaving you with two Kali's and her one. She frowns and rolls her head ready for your next move, you go wide above her head with your right knowing she'd block it. She grabs your wrist and you hit her Kali away from you when she swung at your side with her free hand, you hit her wrist of the hand she was holding onto yours with and she jumps backwards.

"Ow." She rubbed her wrist and tried holding back a laugh. You jumped at her and she hit your Kali's away quickly but separately with the one she still had, you go to hit her torso before she blocks it as you take the advantage to strike her with your free hand. Your eyes widen when she grabs your forearm and grabs your other hand forcing your Kali down onto your skin, she grabs the end of the Kali keeping the pressure on your arm before twisting your wrist making you drop the stick. "We're even now." She smirks and you huff.

You pull your arms back as she kicks the stick on the floor away, you tilt your head from side to side hearing the small cracks in your neck. She holds her last Kali in her right hand and you do the same, you heard the wood slice through the air as she swung at your head. You blocked it and hit every attempt she swung at you away, she grabbed your wrist when you went to hit her before you grabbed hers when she went to hit you with her Kali.

You kept your grip on each other slowly circling on the mat with your eyes locked in front of you, she smiled and pulled her arms together still joined with yours taking you by surprise. She flips her body around twisting your arms only leaving you with one option but to fall to the ground, you stayed on the ground with your limbs spread out and your chest rising unevenly, you closed your eyes shut and slowly calmed your breathing.

"You've gotten better, but you're holding back." You open your eyes and grabbed Nat's hand when she went to help you up, you sigh and rub your eyes.

"I just don't wanna hurt you." You frown and she smiles at you reassuringly.

"I've gone through worse." She puts her hand on your shoulder and you look into her eyes.

"Doesn't matter." You shake your head and collect the sticks from the ground. "I'm gonna have a break." She watched as you packed up and headed out of the gym, you made your way up the stairs and towards your bedroom to clean up. You began rinsing your hair from the conditioner you put in when a knock rang through your bathroom. "Who is it?" You call out.

"It's me, Conner!" You roll your eyes and turn the water off.

"I'll be out in a second!" You call back as you quickly dry yourself down and change into the pale short sleeve shirt paired with thin cool leggings. "What do you want?" You open the door of your bathroom and walk past him not giving him one glance.

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