*6* Nightmares

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A week passed by faster than expected and you were sitting on your hanging chair quietly reading a book, Tony fixed his satélite dish but the storms continued to come which meant they destroyed everything in their path, including the new dish. The snow was thick and the air was white, it was the worst you've seen winter in the three years you've been here. Most of the roads were closed due to the snow blocking cars, you've all been stuck inside the facility all week and you were slowly going insane. You look up and groan as your head falls back in boredom, looking at the digital clock on your nightstand you huff.

"Only 1 o'clock? I swear it was 1 like and hour ago." You shut your book in frustration and make it disappear, you walk out of your room and trudge down the halls in your fluffy slippers. Bucky got them for you last Christmas because your old ones broke, you couldn't stop petting them because they were so soft. The halls were empty, everyone was either in their rooms minding their own business or down in the lab. You lift your right hand and make little white sparkles appear to amuse yourself as you continue to walk around the facility, it was quiet which slightly sent shivers down your spine. You hum to yourself and stick your hand back into your pockets, you were wearing a large baggy jumper over black tights and your hair was messily done, you blew a strand out of your face and sighed.

Ideas ran through your head as you tried to think of something to do, you close your eyes and teleport into Bucky's room to see him taking a nap. He trained with Steve all morning and you could tell he was tired when he finished to have lunch, you yawn and walk over to the opposite side of his bed and climb into the covers next to him. Your eyes scan his face, he was fast asleep and had no clue of you being in his presence, his lips were slightly pouted as he cuddled his pillow and sunk most of his face into the squishy material. The corners of your lips curl, closing your eyes you take a deep breath; your eyes shoot open when you hear uneven low breathing and subtle sobs. You look at Bucky to see his face twitching, muffled cries leave his lips and you prop yourself up on your elbow.

"Bucky?" You put your hand on his shoulder as he begins to toss and turn roughly, you sit up and try to wake him. "Buck!" You raise your voice worriedly when he crosses his arms over himself in fear. "James!" You shake him and keep your hands on his shoulders, tears fall down the side of his face and your eyes widen.

"No. Stop. Leave me alone!" He growls in fear. You try your best to wake him up but he doesn't budge, he tosses again but flings his left arm into the air striking you in the process. You fall back hard with a yelp escaping your lips, your head throbs but you ignore it and turn back to Bucky. He was crying out for help, you began seeing two of him but you ignored it and tried to feel for his shoulders.

"James!" You yell out before the door slams open to show a worried Steve and Tony.

"Wh- Y/N you're bleeding." Tonys eyes widen and you bring your fingers to your nose to feel something warm and wet, you bring your hand down to see dark blood, the pain started to show when you finally took notice and your nose began to throb harder than your skull.

"Doesn't matter. Something's wrong, he won't wake up." You look back to Bucky to see him shaking and hissing, Steve runs over to him and shakes him harder to wake him up but he just continues to toss and cry out. Tony runs over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder, you look back at him to see his worried eyes. "I'm fine." You shrug him off and hover your hand over your nose, white glows from your palm and the pain slowly disappears. You look to Bucky and hold him down, you bite your lip not knowing what to do before you crash your lips onto his, you saw it in movies and you wondered if it actually worked, it was worth a try. He calmed down slightly and you kept your lips on his just to make sure, you start to run out of breath so you remove your lips and look down at him. Beads of sweat hid the tears that had shred from his eyes and your heart sank to seeing him like this, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"Y/N?" He asks and you raise your brows worried, he frowns before sitting up quickly and tightly wrapping his arms around you; you were slightly taken off guard before you wrap your arms around him and pet his back. "Thank goodness you're ok!" He mumbles into your shoulder and you could hear his voice crack, he lets go of you and cups your face before his eyes go wide. "You're bleeding!" He lets go of you and moves back.

"No Buck, it's ok I'm fine." You knew he was scared that he hurt you but it didn't matter to you because you knew he loved you and didn't mean it.

"I hurt you didn't I?" He says quietly and you can see his eyes glisten with tears, you swallowed the lump forming in your throat before waving your hand over your face to get rid of the remaining blood. He sighs and looks up at the roof, you place your hand on his metal one and he pulls it away, he wipes his face and slowly gets up from the bed.

"Bucky?" You ask as he begins to walk around Steve, you look at him and he frowns, he was worried for his best friend and you could understand.

"I hurt you Y/N. I-I," he pauses at his door and looks down, you get onto your knees and furrow your brows in empathy, "I need the fresh air." He steps out of the room and Steve turns around to stop him but gets cut off by the clicking of the door after it shuts, your lips were parted and your eyebrows sloped.

"Y/N?" You hear Tony's voice and you look down, your ring sparkles from the small amount of light in the room and you sigh. Closing your eyes you teleport into the gym, you look out the large windows to see Bucky curled up on the outdoor couch, the snow was falling but not as hard as it did in the past week. You walk to the door and open it quietly, he looks back at you and you could see his bloodshot eyes as he had been crying, he sniffs after he pulls his head away from your view and wipes the tears from his face.

"James." He looked down and you slowly walk towards him, you make a stool come towards you with your powers and you sit next to him. "Please talk to me." You try and move your head into his view but he moves his eyes away.

"I hurt you Y/N. What if I do it again?" He folds his arms and tucks his left arm tightly into him.

"You won't, you're not that person anymore, they're long gone. You didn't mean to hurt me, you just had a nightmare." You try and comfort him as he swallows the lump in his throat. "Remember. I had those nightmares before-"

"But you didn't hurt me," he cuts you off, "or anyone else. I put you in danger, the one thing that I try to prevent from happening to you. And I was the one who hurt you." He looks you in the eyes and you frown.

"You didn't mean to, Bucky. You know better than anyone that you would never purposefully hurt me." You place your hand on his arm and you could feel his muscles tense. "I love you-"

"And I love you." He cuts you off. "But-"

"No buts. You won't hurt me ever, look at me, I'm fine. I agreed to your proposal for a reason, I know you would never want to inflict physical damage onto me, please..." You lift your knees to your chest and smile warmly at him. "Please come inside, its cold." You say in a cute tone and he couldn't help but smile. "Pwease?" You bat your eyes at him and pout.

"Ok." His voice was soft and you smiled before letting a little 'yay' out, he slowly gets up and you link your fingers with his, he hesitates before slowly bending his fingers to meet your skin. You look up at him and nod your head in reassurance, the corners of his lips curl into to small soft smile before you rest your head on his shoulder. You walk back inside to be met with the warm air.

"Come watch a movie with me." You look up at him and he bites his lip in thought. "Please?"

"Alright." He sighs and you jump in glee, you chew on the inside of your mouth as a smirk slithers across your face from an idea that struck your mind. You hold your spare hand behind your back and make a small fruit appear in your hand.

"Plum?" You bring it out in front of his face and his eyes go wide.

"Where'd-" He laughs. "Never mind." You give the plum to him and make another appear so you could have one as well. The snow started falling harder as the sun still shon, when is it going to stop?"

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