*23* Blood

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Bucky chuckled at Sam's comment. An hour passed since breakfast had finished and bucky was catching up with Hope and Scott, he knew you would've gone back to bed since you weren't in the room.

"I'm going to go check on Y/N real quick." He nods his head at the group and they all say their goodbyes before he leaves out into the hallways, walking down to your room he saw your door was slightly open a crack. He peeks his head inside to see your body curled in the middle of the bed facing your window, he smiled to himself seeing you peacefully sleep before it faded away when you shivered.

He walked behind you and kneeled on the bed, he bent over to look at your face. Beads of sweat were dripping down your skin as you scrunched your facial features up in desperation, he grabbed your shoulder gently shaking you. A groan escapes your lips followed with a gasp before he called out for you, your eyes slowly opening tiredly.

"Y/N? Hey... you're overheating." You roll over as he took you in his arms and wiped the sweat from your forehead. "What's wrong, doll?" You sigh and dig your face into him.

"Conner told me that he found a way for me to live without my powers but now that I think about it," you take a break to collect your loss of breath, "I think what he did doesn't fit well with me in some way. My powers aren't working and I think it's because of that, I've been so tired ever since but I thought it was nothing. I'm so dizzy and my head hurts, I don't know what to do anymore."

You scrunch his shirt in your fist and rest your forehead on his chest, he rubs his hands up and down your back comforting you. He presses his cheek to your head and a tear rolls down to your upper lip.

"Whatever is happening... you always find a way to fix everything. And I know you can do that now. Remember, everyone here is willing to help." You pull your head back and look him in the eyes.

"I know, but..." You bite your lip and look at the ceiling. Your mothers words replayed themselves in your head, maybe she was right. None of this would be happening if you stayed with her instead of getting in the pod.

"What are you thinking?" Bucky asks and you look back to him.

"Nothing important." You sit up and slowly get off the bed. Bucky watches you walk towards your bookshelf and drag the boxes filled to the top with your mothers books that you teleported here, Bucky jumps up from the bed and helps you.

"What are you gonna do with these?" He asks as he plops the last box onto your mattress.

"Hopefully find something to help." You sit down and grab a small white notebook with pages sticking out.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He walks around behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder, you turn your head towards his and look down at his eyes that skimmed over the page in your lap. You lift your hand and rest it on the side of his head giving him a soft kiss to his temple.

"Unless you can read ancient Yaclorian, then not really." He rolls his head over so his cheek was now on your shoulder and his crystal eyes were locked with your E/C ones.

"I'll get you some water then." He pecks your lips and leaves your room. You flipped through a few pages, Bucky wasn't back yet but you were curious to try your powers again. It's been a week since you've used them.

You look towards your door and slowly stand up, holding your right hand out you slowly lift a small notebook from one of the boxes. Your finger tips tingle and your veins slowly glow white up your arm from your hand, you freak out and drop the book back inside the box. Breathing heavily you rubbed your arm trying to rid of the evidence that slightly stung, you shook your arm and the glowing slowly disappeared.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now