*11* Secret Room

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"Y/N, Bucky. Lovely to see you again." You look to your right to see the dream wolf from three years ago. Your eyes go wide before relaxing as a smile shows on your lips.

"How are you here?" You ask him and he looks up to the window of your old bedroom with his large eyes.

"We can go where ever we want, whenever we want, Y/N. You should know that." You bite your lip and walk over to him.

"Do you know how Bucky and I can get back home?" He looks down at you as a breeze passed which made his fur dance.

"There's more you need to learn." He ignores your question and you look at him confused before hearing a portal behind you. You look back to see an Ugrarath portal being opened and two young girls jump out, one of the girls had short wavy black hair with red highlights and the other had long curly blonde hair with a deep orange ombré.

"They're going to see us." You whisper to the wolf and take a step back.

"They can't. The more you use your powers and believe you can become your whole self again, you become invisible to the people around you." You look at him confused as Bucky walks around the dirt street and looks at the wooden and stone buildings. You spot the girls running towards your house worried, you recognised who they were.

"Y/N!" The blonde-haired girl calls out after knocking on the door.

"What did they make us come to this time?" You ask before looking to Bucky. There was no answer. "D-" you turn back to see the wolf gone. "Great." You fling your arms in the air in frustration and look to the girls at your front step. The door opens to show your mother, tears stained her cheeks when she looked at the girls.

"Please ma'am. We just want to help." They plead and she nods her head letting them in, they rush into your house before you heard their voices above you.

"Who are they?" Bucky asks as he stood next to you, you jolt your head up at him slightly startled.

"They were my best friends." You look up at your window to hear your sobs getting louder, you looked back at your front door to see your mother looking in your direction.

"Can she see us?" Bucky whispers to you and you stand still.

"I don't know." She smiled and waved at you. "Never mind, maybe she can." You wave back.

"But your friends couldn't see us?" He was confused, you honestly couldn't blame him though, you were slightly confused yourself.

She steps back inside and closes the door behind her, you look around as you chew on the inside of your mouth in thought. What did he mean 'I have more to learn'? You squint your eyes at your house, you bagan to walk around the street looking at all the buildings. Are there clues? You feel the wood but you could only feel the natural knots in it, you go to the stone, it was just cold. Turning around you look back to your house.

"Hold on tight Buck." You grab Bucky's hand and shut your eyes thinking of your basement. You can smell the aroma of your childhood surrounding you, you open your eyes to see the dim lit room. Bookshelves and cauldrons showed themselves, you let go of Bucky and run to a box filled with books.

"Why are you here?" You look behind your shoulder to see your mother leaning on the doorframe. She looks to Bucky as she walks your way, you stand up straight and look into her eyes.

"I don't know." You say to her, she stops and looks at you with no emotion in her face.

"Who is this man?" She asks you.

"That man is my fiancé. You probably don't believe me but I'm... Y/N, from the future." She holds her hand up to silence you.

"You think I wouldn't know what my daughter looks like?" You gulp as she walks towards you. "I may not know why you're here, or what you did, but whatever you need, I can help you." You instantly relax your tense muscles and give her a soft smile.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu