*1* Timeline

826 11 3

Groaning as you slowly wake up to the birds chirping outside and the sun peering in through the open parts of your blinds, you slowly stretch your limbs out and sit up on your bed. You've been on earth for three years now and everything still seems new and fresh to you, your relationship with Bucky has thrived longer than you thought it would. Today was your three year anniversary from the first time the two of you got together that morning, over those three years you've learnt to adapt to the technology. You lean over to your nightstand and turn your phone on, the screen lights up to show a picture of you and Bucky squeezing each other's faces and pouting your lips like goof balls. You smile and check the time plastered on your screen, 9:26am. You step out of bed and snap your fingers, your pijamas are replaced with a maroon mid drift and high waisted dark washed jeans, completed with a simple pair of black vans.

You walk out of your room and towards the kitchen where you'd expect everyone to be, you walk inside to hear laughter and the sweet aroma of freshly baked French toast and homemade maple syrup; still warm in its pot. You smile and close your eyes to take in the sweetness of the air surrounding you, you feel someone squeeze your waist and you jump at their touch with a small yelp from being startled. You turn around and laugh when you see Bucky's cheeky face grinning down at yours.

"You startled me!" You playfully hit his chest and he chuckles.

"I thought you could sense body heat?" He teases and you keep to yourself in defence.

"Yeh, I was just... distracted." You raise your brows and pout as you move your shoulders inwards sheepishly. He smiles at your response and wraps his right arm around you.

"I love you, you nutto." He teases and kisses the top of your head, you scrunch one side of your face up from his hug and giggle at the name he called you.

"And I love you, nutto two point O." You smirk up at him and he rolls his eyes and scoffs, you grab his hand and drag him towards the food. "C'mon I'm starving!" You beam and everyone turns and looks at the two of you.

"What's all this for?" Bucky raises a brow at Steve whose dressed in an apron covered in flour.

"Well, I just felt like doing it. And it's your three year anniversary after all." He smiles and you sit on one of the stools and look at your options set out on the counter.

"This looks delicious, thank you, Steve!" You look up at him gleefully and he nods at you with a smile.

"My pleasure, N/N." You look at the food again and place a piece of the French toast onto a plate, drizzling some of the thin warm maple syrup on top and a few blueberries mixed with strawberries. You cut a piece and take a bite, the sweet taste of sugar mixed into the maple syrup melts in your mouth.

"Mmmm!" You close your eyes and moan from the amazing taste.

"I see you've improved at cooking then." Bucky teases Steve before grabbing some for himself.

"All this spare time I've had really just makes me bored." He shrugs. "Natasha actually recommended it to me." He turns around and Nat looks at her food with a small smirk on her face, you and Bucky look at each other before the both of your eyes turn to Nat then to Steve. You both smirk and look back at each other, you bounce your eyebrows and he giggles as he swallows his food.

"Ooo! What's that smell!" You all look towards the door as a small Peter walks into the room with his head high as he tried to smell the air, Shuri walks in behind him still in her pijamas, you realise Peter was wearing his as well and you smiled at their cuteness.

"Is that French toast?" Shuri's accent rings through the room and her lips curl into a smile.

"Yep." Steve says as he cleans up his mess.

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