*22* Fatigue

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It's been four months and Elliore still hasn't made a move, you didn't know where he was hiding and Conner said he didn't either, you didn't believe him but no matter how many times you asked he gave you the same answer. You couldn't stop thinking about Elliore and when he might strike, everyone tried to get your mind off it by helping you plan yours and Bucky's wedding. You've picked a venue with the help of Bucky and now Nat and Wanda were helping you choose decorations, you came to the conclusion that the theme would be floral/Hawaiian with a hint of beach vibes mixed in. You were excited but you couldn't help and hope that Elliore would show up now so you could take him down before your wedding, you wanted this to be perfect, not just for you, but for Bucky.

You feel soft lips against your forehead and warm arms wrapped around you with the rhythmic beating of their heart against you, your eyes slowly opened from their glued state and you look up to be met with the crystal blue eyes that belonged to your fiancé.

"Morning, Doll." He smiled and you closed your eyes curling deeper into him.

"Good morning." You mutter with a deep breath as you pressed your ear to his chest and laid in his arms. His right arm was under your head and his left was wrapped around your waist, his hand was softly placed on your right shoulder with his thumbs tracing your skin. His soft touch made you shiver earning a chuckle from Bucky, you pull your head back and look into his eyes once more. You lift your right arm up and wrap it around till your hand touched the back of his neck, you slowly lay him on his back and move your left arm around so you could properly hug him. Digging your face into the side of his neck your right leg wrapped around his under the thin sheets that covered your bodies, he giggled and placed his hands on your back soaking in the affection.

"Somebody's cuddly today." He teased, you nod your head and hum into his skin. He moves his arms so they were tighter around you before taking a deep breath, you feel his head move next to you as he placed a kiss to your head. The cold metal of his hand was soothing against your burning skin, it was the middle of summer and you only had the ceiling fan to cool you down. His body was cold against yours, you didn't want to move, you were comfortable. But of course, someone had to disturb the moment.

"You guys decent?" Tony calls out after knocking on your door, Bucky sighs and slowly moves you off of him. You cling to the sheets over you and close your eyes tiredly as you listen to Bucky moving around the room.

"Wait a second!" He calls out, you open one eye and watch him slide on a bath robe and walk towards your door opening it slightly. "What is it?" He asks quietly.

"Steve decided to make breakfast and apparently he has an announcement." Bucky nods his head as you slowly ignore their conversation from fatigue.

"Alright." Tony looks into the room to see your body curled underneath the sheets you clinged to your body in desperation.

"How's she holding up?" Tony whispers as he looks back to Bucky who looks to you then back to Tony clenching his jaw in thought.

"She's better than before, still a little anxious about Elliore. But other than that the wedding is starting to get her mind off of anything else, which is good. We haven't heard about anything suspicious lately so I think she deserves to relax a bit." Bucky whispers back and Tony nods his head. "All she really needs right now is some attention." Tony laughs and Bucky smiles.

"That's good. I'll tell you if I find something though." Bucky nods his head before Tony salutes and walks down the hall. Bucky closes the door and walks back to your stiff form on the bed, he smiled and slowly climbed on the bed watching you sleep quietly. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and kisses your cheek.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें