Mike Nesmith #2 (The Monkees)

Start from the beginning

"You act like we're kids getting ready to go back to school," You laughed and Michael joined you.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," He replied. "I love you."

Ignoring the last phrase, you immediately asked a question that had been on your mind.

"What's going to happen to us?"

Mike hesitated as you both came to the house.

"After summer," You clarified, waiting for a response.

"I-" Mike paused again before finally answering. "Let's just worry about tonight," He changed his direction of answer. "You and me. Only."

"Okay," You forced a smile as the man kissed the top of your head, being able to since he was taller.

The rest of the night was a blur, with clothes being ripped off, and kisses being placed everywhere, and phrases being muttered.

You enjoyed every second of it, but in the back of your mind you kept the thoughts of everything Mike would be giving up if he stayed with you.


You opened your eyes to the bright sun shining through the window. Feeling the sheets covering your bare body, memories of last night came flooding back to you.

You looked over at Mike, seeing that he was still asleep, and didn't look like he was getting up anytime soon.

Looking at him, you felt sweetness at first.

But then the thoughts of back home entered and you felt a wave of nausea rush over you.

  It was like your mind had clicked, finally deciding on the feelings that you had thought about for so long.

  You suddenly felt the need to do what you couldn't last night. Hopping out of bed and grabbing your clothes off the floor, you put them on, careful not too make too much noise.

  However, you were unsuccessful when you heard a groggy Texan-accent calling you back to bed.

   "I can't," You simply replied, not wanting to explain yourself.


   You weren't sure what to tell your lover. "I'm leaving you because I'm uncomfortable" sounded like the 'perfect' phrase to use.

  But it was what you felt, and you knew that you couldn't avoid the reasons forever. You were leaving Michael, and you had to tell him sooner or later.

  "I'm leaving," You swallowed after throwing your shirt over your head, the last article of clothing. "I'm sorry."

  "Oh," Mike softly spoke, not quite getting the message yet. "Well will I see you tonight?"

  You looked over at him, seeing a smile instantly spread across his face. Your heart practically sank to the ground and for a minute you thought about forgetting all of this and just staying.

  "No," You replied, seeing his smile turn into confusion.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm leaving you," You told him, your voice cracking. "For good. I'm going back home early."

   Not waiting for the man to reply, you opened his bedroom door, and walked yourself out.

  Mike called out to you, but you just kept walking. He quickly got out of bed and put on his boxers to follow you.

  "(Y/N)!" He panted behind you, catching up to where you had walked, now on the stairs leading to the first floor, where the exit was.

  "What, Michael?" You asked, not turning around so he wouldn't see you cry.

  "Why are you leaving?" He asked, coming in front of you when you reached the bottom of the stairs, to stop you.

  "Just think about it," You stated. "I love you Mike, but I can't-" You stuttered. "I can't be fooling around with a married man."

  "Fooling around?" Mike asked while you saw the hurt in his eyes. "(Y/N) are relationship was more than fooling around."

  "It doesn't matter," You told him, waving it off. "You have a wife at home. Someone who you decided to be with for the rest of your life."

  "But, I don't love her," He answered without hesitation. "I love you, and I want to be with you."

  "And your kids?" You asked, blocking out what he had said. "Are you never going to be there for your kids?"

  "(Y/N), this isn't about them-"

  "But it is!" You raised your voice. "It's exactly about them. It's about your entire family!"

  You waited for Mike to reply but he had nothing to say.

  "You need to be there for them, not me!" You said, tears now falling from your eyes. "I don't want to keep you from being with them."

  "But you're not," Michael mumbled, tears continuing to stream down your face.

  He tried to comfort you, but you are quick to push him away.

  "No," You told him. "I love you Michael, but I can't do this. It's not right."

  And so you left. Michael ended up following your advice and taking care of his family, but there was always a part of him that wanted you back.

  And a part of you that wanted him.

A/n: I hope that was alright! I don't know why I find Mike Nesmith so sexy, but I do. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Did I listen to 'Jacked Up' the entire time while writing this. You bet I did. Please go listen, it's such a great song. Thanks for reading! Joan Jett request coming up next, which I'm super excited for! -Liz ;)

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