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dear felix

do you know that feeling when you just had a dream and you don't really want to wake up yet, so you start floating around in that kind of perpetual oblivion?

i feel like that about now.

but am i lying to myself about nicky? the meds say on the box that they would control that, and the doctor said that it would help, but what if it got through somehow?


angelina is officially grounded for eternity after she cut off her hair, but apparently nicky snuck out in the middle of the night to throw pebbles at her window. or so park says, and they live across the street from each other. he says he fell asleep after that. i called him the guy from rear window. the one who spies on people's lives through his window...

anyway, park and i are both feeling very third-wheeled right now. park seems really frustrated with something (probably me) and is being a bit more aloof than usual.

god, i'm like the fourth wheel.

that doesn't make any sense.

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