twenty five

117 5 2

dear felix

it's really lonely without nicky and park. nicky knocked on my door yesterday with a bag of chips and a two liter of ginger ale so we could cry into each other's shoulders about family life. park is being as aloof as usual, but nicky says that he doodles my name on his papers at school.

what do you even think that looks like?


nicky says she's been feeling better about her general life because she has a girlfriend now. plus she's back on meds.

(are we both thinking of the same song?)

her name is angelina and she has hair longer than mine.

to my butt, in case you were wondering.

felix, i don't know if i'm jealous of angelina because she took my place as nicky's best friend or because of...

other reasons.

in related news, i got my new meds.

dunno exactly how they work. i am getting better, though, at controlling it.


i also found out that i am, actually, classified as a psychopath.

sorry that you have to be friends with me.

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