a/n: important things

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hey y'all

it's been a while huh

I'm sORRY for that by the way

anyway so I will be updating mUCH MORE OFTEN now and y'all can feel free to pester me about it until I do

so here are a few notes on the book:

1: Summer, Owen, and Lydia's stories a run on the same timespan.

2: HOWEVER, Summer lives in the southern hemisphere. New Zealand, maybe. Soooo, her seasons are the opposite of everyone else's.

3: As these stories intertwine with each other, if you notice something that seems like a connection, it's definetly a connection.

4: No, I'm not telling you who Felix is. That's kind of the point.

5: 99% of the characters in here are queer in some way. (And when I say queer, I mean LGBTQIA/MOGAI+)

6: These are supposedly written by people with mental illnesses. If the entries don't make sense, that's probably the point.

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING I love all of my lovelies and appreciate every read! Thanks so much for sticking with the mental squad!!!

love, jet✈✈✈

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