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dear felix

i've been thinking a lot lately about love and how we define it. the definition of love according to the dictionary is 'an intense feeling of deep affection' which, in my humble and probably outright wrong opinion, is really, really, really, really, stupid. having never felt love myself, however, i can't explain what it feels like. 

i think that the park/nicky/me love angle is also something to think of. 

crap, who said that life was this hard?

when my mom asked what happened at camp yesterday, i said something elaborate about a sick dog and down syndrome. i think she believed me, cause i've been lying  less and less lately. she thinks it's the rehab camp that's doing it, but, in reality, it's just having friends. it's harder to lie to friends. so, i guess, it is technically the rehab camp. 

maybe she was right. 


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