As she walked away I made sure she was in front of me and not looking back because what guy doesn't want to see a back view after seeing a perfect front view. She definitely didn't have to worry about doing squats with an amazing round, and plump ass like that, I was kind of surprised she didn't show it off more often, she seemed to be reserving herself in a way. I wondered if that reservation could someday turn out to be me even though I already knew that if the mark was on her it was bound to happen no matter what. After pushing all thoughts out of my mind and sitting down at a table the questions started popping into my head so I started asking,

"So, how exactly did you draw a perfect portrait of me without even looking down once to check it?"

Her face went bright red then she said,

"I'm really good at art and controlling my hands I guess, I didn't think you would see that but I guess after running out of class I had no way of hiding it."

"Why did you run out of class in the first place? And ya I seen it, you're really good, I've never seen someone that good in grade ten."

I hoped she would tell me why she actually ran out of class seeing as last time she wouldn't tell me anything, but she doesn't even know about that so it doesn't count.

"I felt sick, I didn't think vomiting would be very attractive to a guy that was staring at me."

I laughed a little at the sarcasm, that's one good thing about her so far, I then asked,

"Oh, no it probably wouldn't be, so was it my face that made you feel sick? Should I start covering my face so you don't stare at it?"

Hoping she would hear the sarcasm, which she did because a second later she laughed a bit and yet again went bright red then she said,

"Yes, wait, no that's mean, it wasn't your face that made me sick, I had a bad lunch, and no, don't cover your face up because then none of the pretty girls would be able to look at it."

As she stumbled with her words a look came across her face, I couldn't quite tell what it meant though, then I realized she had basically just called herself ugly because she wasn't being sarcastic this time so I said,

"So I definitely need to keep it uncovered around you then, right? Because you're one of the pretty girls and it wasn't my face that made you sick so you must have liked looking at me."

Adding a hint of flirting in so I could see her face go bright red again and was satisfied when she realized what I said then going bright red for the third or fourth time she said,

"Um, so, topic change, do you have any siblings?"

Knowing where the conversation was going I replied with,

"Ya, four sisters and one brother, all younger than me, my mother died not too long ago and my deadbeat father disappeared shortly after her death, so it's just me and my siblings."

"Oh, sorry, um, my turn I guess, I just have the one brother, Josh, who you already know, my dad is big into hockey, and my mom is a local artist that works from home most of the time."

She looked extremely embarrassed but it didn't bother me that she had asked so I said,

"It's okay, life is good so I'm not complaining, no need to say sorry, lots of people ask so I'm used to it, and ya, I know Josh, he's pretty cool."

After talking for another hour about favorite color, favorite class, hobbies, and other basic stuff like that it had been closing time for the coffee shop so we had to leave, we had been talking for two hours and I was very proud of myself, I've never made it that long without something going wrong. We were standing outside, I decided to wait with her while her parents came to pick her up, and she had randomly asked,

"This was fun, wanna hang out again some other time?"

"Ya, definitely, will it be a real date? Or just talking again?"

I decided to ask even though I already assumed it would just be two friends talking again.

"Most likely just talking again, no real dates till my parents meet you, strict rule."

She said laughing, seeing a smile spread across her face gave me butterflies, I didn't think guys could get butterflies in their stomach, but I did, she had smiled a lot tonight but it was only this one time that had happened. I thought about making some sort of move, but it was only two friends talking tonight and I didn't want to push my luck just yet.

Her parents showed up about ten minutes later, it appeared to be just her mother picking her up. We had talked the entire time we were outside, just small talk, nothing big, but it was still talking, I found her presence enjoyable whether we were talking or not and knew that was a good thing. I hoped she would turn out to be a good person and so far she seemed like she was.

She said a shy goodbye then as she was walking away I took the time to enjoy the back view yet again but this time I noticed the dress had hiked up a lot higher than it was at the beginning of our hang out, then I seen her look back with a devilish glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips showing that she knew it was like that and she left it on purpose, that little tease was pushing me away as she slowly pulled my closer, she knew exactly what she was doing and she knew it was working, maybe I misunderstood who she was in that way, but I wasn't going to complain either way.

On my way home the walk seemed longer than it was on the way there, I took the time to think while I was walking, I barely even knew this shy but definitely devilish girl and she seemed to know just what to do to get a reaction from me already, it was only our first time hanging out she she didn't seem to stumble with any thoughts as she left, I knew I was going to be thinking about her all night, and it was not going to be fun because my imagination can get carried away sometimes.

Once at home and inside I checked on all of my siblings to make sure they were okay, Kim was the only one still awake but that was fine because it was only just after 9:00 p.m., I got some left over food out of the fridge and slowly ate, enjoying every bite because even though I'm a Vampire, I can still eat human food, and I can thank my mom for that because she was human. I never thought going to a new school would be so awesome, and I never thought the guy got the girl, but so far I'm definitely getting the girl, thankfully everything that has been dramatic has only been in a good way, and I hoped it wouldn't change, but eventually it would have to because the Vampire Council doesn't lie meaning I'll be seeing them sometime soon, and she's human just like my mother, and I remember the stories I had been told of what my parents went through to be together so I knew it wasn't going to be fun when the time came to deal with all of that.

After eating I got ready and went to bed, falling fast asleep after awhile of continued thinking, just before falling asleep a very strong feeling of terror came over me, I had no idea why, none of the alarms had gone off saying someone was trying to get in, and everyone was sleeping, but come the next morning was not going to be fun because something was going to happen, and it was not going to be in any way good for anyone in this house.

I hope everyone is enjoying so far, feedback would be very much appreciated from anyone whether it's good or bad, ideas would also be appreciated, just comment or message me, also I am very sorry that chapters are taking so long, I'm trying my best but I feel like this book is not doing good and I might end it at chapter 10 to start a new book, so yet again, comment or message to let me know if you want the book continued or not, and last but not least, THANK YOU to everyone that has stuck around so far to read my book, its greatly appreciated. ALSO FOLLOW ME, COMMENT, AND VOTE PLEASEEEE

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