Chapter - 11 - Deplorable Exclamations

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An uprising.

   This is my doing.

    "Citizens are threatening to start and uproar. They have been secretly planning this since Lady Teryn's arrival."

    At the accusation, every eye in the throne room was trained on me. I swallowed and blinked, staying still and trying my hardest to obtain an orderly respiration despite being under the weight of burdened haul guilt.

   "Why?" Fili's strong voice bounced up into an echo and then most glances traded my gaze for his at the sound of him harshly demanding an answer.

    The counselor, Bulien faltered for a moment, as if unaware how to answer the prince who approached the situation with an intimidating definition about his face. "They were content with the order of arrangements before the betrothal took course. Lady Maena is from Erebor, she knows our customs and taken her family ancestry, her kin is responsible for producing many possible heirs." His dark eyes darted around the room for understanding people and found he was surrounded by dwarves whom agreed with his standing. "They were taken unaware when her royal highness Teryn has traveled here. They wish for things to be as they were,"

   Thorin looked to his nephew who was seated in a lesser throne on the dais beside him when Fili again took hold of the conversation. "Well arrangements have already been set, so it would be far beyond impossible to break this espousal."

    A part of me was relieved at the security that Fili was offering and yet gambling with, a sense of trust was thrust between us as I raised my eyes to his. Then I thought of how I could be misinterpreting what he spoke. I convinced myself then that this was not an act of affection or even friendship, but there had been a hidden agenda due to the reasoning of all royal affairs being so.

    I looked down and took a deep breathe to hide my disappointment.

    Inwardly, I thanked Aule for the lack of presence from Maena and that she hadn't been invited to meetings such as these, for I would have grown red and smaller in stature under her scolding glare.

    Thorin then conveyed the conversation. "Enough of the heinous rumours concerning the disapproval of Teryn. Inform me on the matter of this Orc raid."

   "It is hardly a raid, your majesty. A small pack of the creatures of Mordor have been spotted on the kingdoms borders, a hunting party, no more then twenty of the foul race are advancing."

   "Why are they here, Bulien?" There was a ring of annoyance that escalated from the Kings question.

    Bulien picked up on Thorins edged discontent and got to the point. "They wandered across the border and most likely sensed a weakness in the peoples allegiance, so they didn't turn back. It is no real threat, your Majesty, but it should be taken care of in order to assure the dwarves of Erebor that we are in authority."

   There were a few seconds of silence and some shuffling of the feet in the background. Then Thorin sighed and blankly stated, "Fili should go for the purpose of extinguishing these possible questionings of our rule." He hadn't meant that people were thinking of throwing them from power, the idea to was remind them that Thorins orders are absolute and unquestionable.

    The point of the allegation was still pointed towards me but with gentle glances and the unspoken blame still targeted on my back. I knew the uprising had been my doing and that would not so easily be pushed my from mind.

    In the moment that Fili nodded and began to stand, I blurted out, "I will go,"

    Nobody dared move as I realized I had spoken.

    What are you doing?  This is insane.

    The words poured from my mouth so quickly that I wasn't even aware that I had said anything until peers grew silent, then exchanged glances before beginning to whisper.

    All persons seemed so amused and in disbelief at the idea of me going, including myself, but Thorin only gave a hinted smile of pride. "Go on," He instructed me to further my case on traveling to the outskirts of the kingdom.

    What had I gotten myself into?

    The thought occurred to me that it was not too late to retract my statement and apologize for speaking when not spoken to, but I had already dug a hole to be publicly buried in. "I-I feel that it is my responsibility to join, what with this being my doing."

   "This is not your fault, Teryn," Fili warned softly as he looked me dead in the eyes from across the room.

    Somehow I swallowed a fraction of fear enough to step forward and continue struggling for the argument. "But it is, if I were not here in the first place none of this would-"

   "Don't blame yourself for the unrest of worried dwarves." He shook his head.

    Buliens voice was so loud and sharp that it rung through ever corner and silenced all others. "This is madness, she doesn't belong in the woods, her place is here!"

    Thorin began to laugh. "Were you not just making a point that she is unwanted in Erebor?"

    "Well yes - I mean no, I was merely offering news and facts, but the princess has no business fending off orcs. Has she even seen one before?" He then turned to me and mocked me deeply. "Have you even heard of such race from your high walls and railed steps of Belegost?"

   Fili began descending the dais steps and his voice was a low growl as he accused Bulien with sharp eyes. "You insult a future queen of Erebor."

   "I meant no offense, your highness. I am merely trying to insist that she be safer here."

    Challenging him further, the blond prince hardened his glare. "The decision does not fall to you,"

    "Forgive me, you highness."  Bulien stepped down.

    What had I gotten myself into?

    This was such a mistake.

    Why had I been so careless?

     I heard his footsteps approach before I lifted my chin to face Fili.

     For a few seconds I studied his face. The peachy shade of his lips that were slightly separated, and structure of his features that were not covered by his golden beard. Then I allowed myself to take in the appearance of his eyes;  the perfectly colored orbs stared right back into mine.

    A sweat broke out in my palms and my heart rate quickened out of anxiety, but I used all of my courage to keep the eye contact between us.

   "Are you certain you want to come?" Filis voice was gentle, more soft than I had ever heard it and it was comforting.

   I opened my mouth a little to speak an objection against my own doing and back down, but it was past the point of return and I would be so immensely embarrassed if I treaded away.

   He searched my expression further until I nodded.

    "Yes, I'm positive."

    Shortest chapter of my entire existence, I am sorry!!! Okay, this is where things really pick up in the story line; this is the pivot point and I am so excited about the next few chapters I can't even try to uhg omg I'm just stoked to show you guys what I have planned.

     Also, I wanted to say that I prefer comments over votes any day because votes can get me popularity on the search box for Fili, but that means nothing if I can't communicate with my readers. I absolutely love when people comment their opinions and it means to much to me that people actually take the time to write some of that stuff. I love you guys!!

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