Chapter 28: Mario...

Start from the beginning

Dark Squid: And now it's time to introduce the one true Mario.

Dark Squid got out the golden spaghetti, as the ground started to rumble hard. A giant evil head of a creature was about to be re-unleashed. It was Mario Head.


Everyone else, including SMG4 and Tari, saw the head come out.

SMG4: Oh hell no!

Dark Squid: I'll give you the golden spaghetti once you take down all of these good guys.

Mario Head: Okie-dokie. Get ready to move your pingas.

Mario Head started to come down to Inkopolis.

Mario Head: I'm coming for you!


Tari: Calm down, SMG4. Someone has to take that creepy head down.

ReaderFromWR: You're gonna pay for what you did, Dark Squid.

Dark Squid: And what are you gonna do about it?

ReaderFromWR: This.

He turned on his jetpack and held his arm out. He grabbed the Dark Power Glove, but was shocked to see Dark Squid's arm sticking inside it.

ReaderFromWR: What?!

Dark Squid: That's right. I superglued the Dark Power Glove to my arm, so I can't be stopped.

ReaderFromWR: Not if I have anything to say about it.

He got out his Chainsword and did something he didn't expect to do today. Chop Dark Squid's arm off, causing Dark Squid to scream in pain and fall down to the ground.

ReaderFromWR: Serves you right, Dark Squid bitch! Huh?

Mario Head: It's a-time for you to die.

ReaderFromWR: WHAT THE FU-

ReaderFromWR got eaten by Mario Head.

Infinite: Reader!

Blood Ravens: My lord!

Mario Head: Hey! That was pretty good!

Mario Head started to feel something inside of him.

Mario Head: Oh... I'm a-light headed.

He kept rumbling harder and harder until ReaderFromWR came out of the top of his head. He kicked Mario Head and landed safely on the roof of a building while the now-dead head flew off into space.

ReaderFromWR now has the Dark Power Glove, along with a piece of Dark Squid's arm, with him, as he ran down the building and back outside to join back up with Infinite, Meggy, and his Blood Ravens and Ultramarines.

Infinite: You got the glove. Can the effects be reversed?

ReaderFromWR: I know where the button is last time, so let's press it again so Mario can be brought back.

ReaderFromWR pressed the button, and nothing happened.

ReaderFromWR: It isn't working. Code red! It isn't working!

This made Meggy cry more.

ReaderFromWR: No. Meggy, don't cry. We can fix this in a jiffy.

ReaderFromWR (thoughts): Let's see. So this is a more powerful version of the Power Glove with no way of reversing the effects. What if there is a way to get the negative energy out?

ReaderFromWR saw a button he's never seen before on the back, along with a chute. He pressed the button and saw all the negative energy from the Power Glove flying out.

ReaderFromWR: There it goes. Now that button has to work. Here goes nothing.

He pressed the button, as out came a motionless Mario. This caused Meggy to look up.

Meggy: Mario?

ReaderFromWR: Stand back, Meggy. He'll be the normal Mario again in just a few seconds.

He shot another lightning bolt at Mario, fully reviving him.

Mario: Where... where am I... and what the hell is going on? I'm alive?

Meggy: Mario?

Meggy wiped her tears off her face and walked to Mario.

Mario: Meggy?

Meggy hugged Mario as hard as she could.

Meggy: I thought... that I was gonna lose you forever!

Mario: I thought I was gonna be dead forever, but what just happened?

ReaderFromWR: I revived you, Mario. I stole the Power Glove off of Dark Squid and brought you back to life. Also, that creepy floating head of you is gone.

Mario: Thank you so much, Reader. Mario lives another day... with his wife!

Mario hugged back, as both he and Meggy were laughing and smiling at him being back. Infinite and ReaderFromWR watched this moment and smiled.

ReaderFromWR: And just in case this fiasco ever happens again...

He shot his two Heavy Bolters at the Power Glove and it got destroyed, never to disintegrate anyone again.

Meanwhile, Dark Squid was unconscious and Orange Angel was reviving her, as she saw some negative energy floating around and going into Dark Squid. A few seconds after, she woke up, and her arm grew back.

Dark Squid: Soon... I will take care of all of them.

Orange Angel: You go right on ahead, Dark Squid. I assume you're powerful enough to take on everyone now because of your new negative power, so if that plan fails, I'm going to surprise everyone, especially Meggy.

Dark Squid: Good plan. Let's see if the rest of our minions can take down these heroes.

Dark Squid is now watching the rest of the chaos between both sides unfold. There are only over 500 enemies left in Inkopolis to kill, and the war is almost over.

The next chapter will be focused on the rest of Dark Squid's minions' demise. I'll see you in the next chapter.

SMG4: Infinity Woomy (Mario X Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now