Prologue 3/3: Take it Easy

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The war is in a day, and everyone was sleeping peacefully, until Meggy woke them up by blowing her whistle.


That woke everybody up.

SMG4: Meggy. What the hell is yo...

Meggy: You gotta train! Train! Train!

They all got a dummy and started beating it up. Things were going just as fine, but Meggy went from complimenting people to insulting people.

Meggy: Luigi, you gotta keep it faster. Bob, you gotta be harder than that. And Toad. I've seen better attacks from my mother, and she was with the Octolings for years.

Mario (thoughts): Jesus Christ. I think Meggy has gone too far. I gotta set things right, but I don't know when because she demands us to train, and I can't stop myself.

Mario finished with a dummy, and he knew this was his chance, but he grabbed another dummy instead. He did this 3 more times until he finally knew where he should go.

Mario: *breathes in and out* Meggy. Don't you think you're pushing things a little too far?

Meggy: What are you talking about, Mario? I just want revenge on Dark Squid and I think everyone should get all trained up to defeat and straight up kill her.

Mario: You know she has other teammates, right?

Meggy: I know.

Mario: But Meggy. You force all of us to train all the time since yesterday. You never give us a break.

Meggy: Isn't this what you want? You want me to not be sad and to come back and train everyone else again. I'm setting things right, Mario! Now get back to training! This isn't break time. It's time to make Meggy proud, like you wanted. Quit slacking off and grab another dummy!


Everyone stopped training and looked at Mario as he started to yell.

Mario: Earlier you want us all to train, but now you force us to train. You were determined to win the war, but now you're being a snobby dick. All I want for you is to calm down and hope to win and take revenge on Dark Squid, but you have gone too far, Meggy. I want the old Meggy back. The one who's sweet and kind and doesn't push me around as much.

Meggy listened to Mario's words, and she started to cry again. Mario immediately felt bad.

Mario: Oh my god. Meggy, I am so sorry. I don't know what came out of me. I just wanted you to stop pushing us around all the time and go back to being sweet.

Meggy: No, Mario. This is all my fault. I'm sorry for pushing all of you around. I guess all of you finally know another weakness of mine. Other than water and losing, one of my other weaknesses... is embarrassment. I just didn't want anyone to see me when people aren't supposed to, like when I was naked for example, but one person took a photo of me like that, Dark Squid picked it up, she sent it to live television, and now I just feel like I want to kill her right here, right now.

She continued crying a little bit, and everyone felt bad for her, especially herself.

Mario: Guys. Can't you all just give her a chance in becoming the nice and kind Meggy you all know and love again, and forgive her?

Infinite: You're right. I... forgive you, Meggy.

Everyone else forgave her, and she started to feel better again.

SMG4: We can continue training, as long as you don't push us around and insult us.

Meggy: You know what, everyone? Take the day off. Relax in the castle and enjoy the last day before the war. I think you're all trained up.

SMG4: Infinity Woomy (Mario X Meggy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ