Chapter 16: Unexpected Helpers

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Onyx was burning, melting, and killing enemies with his Melting Splattershot of Certain Death, but he was then stopped by a familiar foe.

???: Onyx! I'm back!

Onyx: EM64!

EM64 was sitting in a throne he made himself, as he got up from it.

EM64: Glad you could make it, Onyx. You come all this way just to get killed by me.

Onyx: Pffft. Really. You and what army?

EM64: Oh, well I'm glad you asked.

A few dark robot titans walked in beside EM64. They were huge mechs that had guns on the sides and strong fists.

Onyx: Holy shit. I don't think I can take all of those down myself.

Mario and Meggy saw this and ran up to him.

Mario: What's with EM64's giant mechs?

Onyx: He made these just for the war.

EM64: Oh, I see you brought your friends along as well.

ReaderFromWR, along with his Blood Ravens, Ultramarines, and some of his friends, also came in to tell them something.

ReaderFromWR: Guys. We have to fight fire with fire. We gotta get a few mechs and robots of our own to take those down, which reminds me. Meggy, my TechMarines have finished fixing your robot, and it's ready to go.

Meggy: Perfect.

Meggy's War Robot came in a giant crate. ReaderFromWR opened it, and the robot was inside, looking brand new.

Mario: Gotta love that new robot smell.

Meggy climbed into her robot alongside Mario.

Meggy: Is there anyone else with a mech?

Unexpectedly, Saiko came in with her mech, the Griffin, which was similar to her's back in February 2018.

Saiko: I do!

Meggy: Alright. I think we're set.

EM64 got out a sharp sword, while Onyx got out his built-in giant knife that's on his gun.

EM64: En guarde!

While Onyx and EM64 started their sword fight, the dark robot titans started to battle. Saiko and Meggy began to attack with their mechs.

ReaderFromWR: Blood Ravens! Ultramarines! Attack the other mechs!

They ran at the dark robot titans who aren't battling with the heroes' mechs, but the titans hit the Blood Ravens and Ultramarines with their big metallic fists and knocked them out.

ReaderFromWR: No!

The titans were about to shoot ReaderFromWR, Alex, and Inkura with their guns, but something very unexpected came by to help them.

It was a team of 6 Pokémon, being Turtwig, Lucario, Meowstic, Samurott, Luxray, and Glalie.

Lucario: We gotta help Meggy out!

ReaderFromWR: Are those Pokémon?

Alex: They're helping us?

Turtwig used Razor Leaf, Meowstic used Psychic, Samurott used Hydro Pump, Luxray used Thunder, and Glalie used Ice Beam. They used their attacks on all the titans except for the two fighting Meggy and Saiko.

EM64: What are those things doing here?!

Onyx: They're screwing up your plan!

Meggy: Thanks for helping us out and making things easier!

SMG4: Infinity Woomy (Mario X Meggy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt