Chapter 2: Being Saved From Danger

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The war has finally begun, and Meggy dealt the first hit by slicing a Chaos Space Marine with her Blade of Decimation.

The dark Inklings and Octolings, Orks, and Chaos Space Marines were everywhere, and they are quite skilled and powerful judging by their attacks and powers. Even though that was the case, they still keep getting defeated.

Dark Squid: Strengthen up, people!

It was all one big battle taking place in a big city, and because there were so much enemies to fight, almost everyone decided to split up.

SMG4 and Tari were together killing enemies that get in their way. SMG4 was killing the enemies with memes that are brutal and heavy from his Meme Battle Cannon, but seeing as that was his only weapon, he had more enemies on his side.

SMG4: Why is there so many on my side?

Tari noticed SMG4 was surrounded by a cesspool of enemies, and she decided to help him, but she had to get them out of her way.

Tari: I'm coming, SMG4!

With the help of her pet Phantom Castle, who was dealing blasts to the enemies, she used her cyborg powers to get more powerful and clear many enemies on her side. Just as she got finished with the enemies, SMG4 got grabbed by a Chaos Space Marine.

Chaos Space Marine: Time to die.

SMG4: No god! No god please no!

Tari: SMG4!

Tari put on the Blue Ring and her arm turned into a Mega Buster. She shot the Leaf Shield and blew the Chaos Space Marine down to the ground. SMG4 escaped his grasp, as she then grabbed the CSM with the Super Arm and defeated him.

SMG4: Tari. Thank you so much for saving me! Your weapons are very cool.

Tari: No problem, SMG4.

SMG4 then proceeded to kiss Tari.

SMG4: I love you, Tari.

Tari: I love you too, SMG4.

Meanwhile, Mario and Meggy were working together dealing tons of damage to the oncoming enemies.

Mario (thoughts): With the many weapons we have, and with my loving and very skilled wife by my side, this is gonna be easy.

Mario kept the enemies in front of him bruised with his Golden Thunderstrike Gloves, and finished them off with his Double Barrel Splattershot of Impending Doom until he ran out of ink when there was one dark Inkling left, aiming at Mario. Meggy finished the Inkling off with her Splattershot of Obliteration just in time.

Mario: Oh, thank you, Meggy. I was almost shot back there.

Meggy: No problem, Mario. We always stick together and help each other out.

In the distance, Eggman called them out. He had Metal Sonic beside him. Mario and Meggy looked over to him.

Meggy: Oh, hi, Baldy Nosehair.

Mario and the two Pikachus laughed at that name.

Eggman: Alright, let's just get to the point. Metal, get those fiends... (quietly: pingas) ...or else!

Metal Sonic started to fly as fast as he can and grabbed Mario.

Meggy: Mario, no!

Mario: Help me! He's about to grab my ass!

Eggman: Excellent, Metal. Now end it!

Mario: Meggy! Pa...

Before he could say that, he started to get strangled by Metal Sonic.

Mario: Pa.. pai... p-p-p-paaaaiiiiinnnnttt...

Meggy listened to what Mario said and now started to shoot ink all around her, including Metal Sonic, who fell along with Mario once he got hit. She stopped as she saw Mario fall, and she ran over to him.

Mario: *cough* *cough* Nice job, Meggy.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario. Now to deal with this pile of bolts.

Metal Sonic got up, now a little tired after getting hit with that huge barrage of ink earlier, as the two Pikachus went beside Meggy.

Meggy: Alright, Pikachus. Thunderbolt!

Both Pikachus: Pika-CHUUUUUUUUUUU!

They shocked Metal Sonic, and he was now malfunctioning, but he wasn't dead yet.

Eggman: Metal! Don't just stand there! Get them!

Sparks were coming out of Metal Sonic.

Meggy: Mario. Spaghetti Gauntlet!

Mario got up and aimed his Spaghetti Gauntlet at Metal Sonic.

Mario: I hope she made lotsa SPAGHETTI!

He shot Metal Sonic, and he turned into spaghetti, as Mario started to eat it all.

Eggman: Metal!

Meggy laughed.

Meggy: You got him good, Mario.

Mario: Can't talk right now. Eating.

Meggy giggled some more.

Eggman: Grrr. You win this round! Now if you'll excuse me...

Eggman used his Pingas to fly away.

Meggy: He'll be back for sure, and we'll defeat him just like we defeated that blue hedgehog robot.

Mario: Thank you for saving me from that mighty metal grasp, Meggy.

Meggy: You're welcome, Mario. I love you so much.

Mario: I love you too.

They both kissed each other, as the war continues.

I predict that the total amount of chapters for this story will be over 30. Yes. That's how big I want this story to be. I'm sure all that waiting will be worth it. Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter.

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