Chapter 22: Enzo's Revenge

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A while after Waluigi was freed, Infinite was still waiting for Mario and Meggy to wake up, as ReaderFromWR and a few of his friends came over to him.

ReaderFromWR: Great job on defeating and freeing Waluigi. Wait, Mario? Meggy? What happened?

Infinite: They kept being rapidly swapped between being controlled by Waluigi and being controlled by Tari. This happened so much that their bodies were starting to ache, and as they were free to control their bodies again, they got knocked out because of that happening too fast.

ReaderFromWR: How are they feeling?

Infinite: They are okay, but they need a rest.

Inkura: I hope this doesn't happen again. I was so scared of seeing Alex T-posed.

Alex: It's okay, Inkura. I'm back. Everything will be okay.

Infinite picked up Mario and Meggy, along with the Chaos Emeralds, and took them to an empty building.

Blood Raven: My lord. What should we do with this?

He held up Waluigi's broken staff.

ReaderFromWR: Give it to me. I can make this weapon turn against the enemies.

Clauds and Machito were on top of a building seeing everyone doing a good job killing the enemies as soon as they see them, as ReaderFromWR walked up to them.

ReaderFromWR: Machito. Clauds. I created a new weapon.

Machito: Oh really. What is it?

ReaderFromWR: This is the Tenta T-Pose. I made it out of Waluigi's staff.

Clauds: What does it do?

ReaderFromWR: It's a stronger version of the Tenta Missile with a built-in T-Pose Ray, which can T-pose an enemy for a limited time until it wears off, like one of the powers of Tari's Golden Rejection Controller.

He shot it at a few enemies to demonstrate, and they are now T-posed.

Machito: Wow. That's a great weapon, Reader. Well done.

ReaderFromWR: Thanks. We become more and more powerful by the minute.

Meanwhile, SMG4 and Tari were still working together in defeating the enemies in their way, as they are gonna be faced with something very unexpected.

Once the enemies in their area were rid of, a familiar psycho came in, about to stab SMG4 with a knife.

Tari: SMG4, look out!

She shoved SMG4 out of the way so he wouldn't be stabbed.

SMG4: What the hell?

???: Damn it. I missed!

SMG4: Enzo. It's you.

Tari: Enzo?

SMG4: He's the person who swore revenge on all of us for ignoring his birthday... by killing us.

Enzo: That's right. And I have someone alongside me to make killing you go faster.

Villager came out from behind Enzo with an axe in his hands.

SMG4: Villager?!

Tari: Why are there so many people who want to kill you?

Enzo: Time to die!

Enzo ran at SMG4, about to stab him with a knife, as Tari grabbed SMG4.

Tari: You're not gonna take him away from me!

Enzo: Oh. Is he your boyfriend?

Tari blushed at what he said.

Tari: Y-yeah.

Villager was about to slice Tari with his axe, but SMG4 threw something at  Villager that somehow made him happy. It was a bag of Doritos, like the one he lost which caused him to become murderous in the first place.

Enzo: Don't you dare leave the evil side, Villager. We had a thing together.

Villager ran away with the bag of Doritos in his hands.

Enzo: Goddamnit. Screw this. I'll kill you both myself.

Enzo ran at them while screaming, as SMG4 and Tari started to attack. SMG4 used his Meme Battle Cannon, while Tari used her Mega Buster.  Enzo dodged all of their attacks and reflected them with his knife a few times.

Tari: I guess it's time to unleash my pet. Phantom Castle!

Tari's pet Phantom Castle started to shoot missiles at Enzo. He tried to dodge them all, but he was too fast for most of them and is now knocked down.

SMG4: Let me finish him, Tari.

SMG4 walked up to Enzo.

SMG4: Enzo. You wanna know what you want to do to us feels like?

SMG4 grabbed Enzo's knife, as he slit his throat and stabbed his chest. Enzo kept gasping for air, and a while later, he died.

SMG4: He's gone... forever. He will never strike us ever again.

Tari: Thank god I don't have to deal with him on a regular basis now. And thank you, SMG4. You did very great.

SMG4: Thanks, Tari. I love you.

Tari: I love you too.

SMG4 and Tari kissed each other, as Infinite watched from the empty building he's in.

Infinite: They're really cute together... but I think them being a couple should be kept a secret for now.

Mario and Meggy started to wake up.

Meggy: Where... where are we?

Infinite: You two got knocked out because of being rapidly switched between being controlled by Waluigi and Tari. I took you two to an empty building so no one can attack you while you rest.

Mario: Thank you, Infinite. You're always so nice to us.

Meggy: A little sad that you have to leave after the war, but I love that you always help us out.

Infinite: You two are cute together, and I will always help you out.

Mario and Meggy hugged Infinite, as they walked out of the building to continue killing enemies.

Infinitetheedge you are the nicest person to Mario and Meggy. They really really appreciate it. The next chapter will be focused on a certain evil couple. See you later.

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