Free At Last..?

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(Happy late Birthday Sealand and Vietnam!! 🎉🎁🎶)


WHERE ARE YOU DUDETTE?!" Alfred yelled, frantically running through the streets by Arthur's house. Where you were just walking.

"LOVE?!" Arthur joined Alfred in the searching and yelling.

You had all the allies looking for you around Arthur's house.

Then the blonde Brit stopped in his tracks as he saw a flash of pink. He walked towards it slowly, not yet realizing what it was. Arthur stopped in front of it, a scowl forming on his face as he let out a slight growl.

A cupcake.

A pink-frosted cupcake with multicolored sprinkles to be exact.

And a piece of paper sticking out of the sugary substance known as frosting.

Arthur picked it up and pulled the note out, careful not to touch the frosting, and read the note:

Dear Arthur,

As you are now aware, _____ is missing. Such a shame really. Your prisoner is safe with us, and I suggest you don't come looking for her. You will never find her. But all is well because you weren't treating her right anyways. She's in a better place Arthur, just admit it and move on. And to tell you the truth, _____ never really liked you guys in the first place. _____ is where she really belongs. Away from you.

If you love somebody let them go right Arthur?

~ Goodbye Arthur

He didn't know what to think..

Sure he was angry, but he was also sad. _____ was never their prisoner..

Was she?

Is that what she thought? If it was, he never meat for her to think that way. Arthur thought _____ was really starting to like him and the others.

He was angry, and damn right he was going to get _____ back!

That was certain!

- - -

"No! How dare they take her dudes?!" Alfred yelled in frustration, slamming his fist on the meeting table.

"Why~a would they~a do that?" Feliciano asked the others, a sad look on his face.

"I don't know, jour guess is as goot (good) as mine." Ludwig shrugged.

"Well we need to go and save _____ from those wankers!" Arthur growled.

"I don't know if that's a good idea aru.." Yao (China) looked at the others with a worried expression.

"Why not Yao?" Kiku asked.

"Well, this might sound mean...But is she worth it?" He said with a strait face. (Sorry!!)

"Bloody hell! She is too worth it!" Arthur exclaimed.

"How aru? How is one girl worth going after the 2ps for? The 2ps!!"

"She knows we really exist, and she also knows where me and Artie live!" Alfred took Arthur's side.

"So? The 2ps will most likely kill her anyways..."

"CHINA? WHAT THE F*CK DUDE?!" Alfred yelled at the Chinese man.

"I'm just saying aru..I care about her too..Just not that much." He said, looking the American in the eyes. "Let's not start a war over one

(h/c)-ette girl. It's stupid..."

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