Interrogation And Cold Countries

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"Wait, why are we doing this again?"

A sigh was heard. "Well it's obvious that the Axis and Allies will completely fail so we're going to just save _____ ourselves. Now no more questions."

"Really? But aren't they just going to try and see that we've already saved her? Then they will be stuck with the 2ps!"

"Shh! Shut it you dummy!" Another hissed whisper. "And didn't he just say no more questions?!"

"Yeah, we just have to save _____~!" A happy whisper was heard.


- - -

"Ugh.... I'm so bored!" You groaned as you sat on your bed upside down. "And hungry!"

There was a knock at your door.

"Who is it?" You asked with a sigh.

"Hello poppet! It's me Ollie~!" Oliver said in his happy voice.

You couldn't help but smile, even though you knew he kidnapped you. But still you thought he wasn't capable of  anything like that. Sure Allen was but. . .

"Come in!" You called.

. . .never mind right?

The door opened and Oliver and Allen were both at the door with these two strange Italians. "Hey doll face." Allen greeted with a wave.

" 'Sup?" You asked, smiling. Still laying upside down mind you. Your (h/c) locks were dragging on the floor.

"What~a the hell~a are you~a doing ragazza?!" The Italian with the auburn hair exclaimed.

You tilted your head to the side in confusion, but you had just gotten the BEST idea. Smirking you copied his voice. "And who~a the hell~a are you~a?!"

He narrowed his eyes while the others laughed. 

"It's~a not~a funny!" The Italian exclaimed.

"Yes~a it~a is!" You responded, laughing yourself.

He shook his head. "What~a ever!! You're~a bitch~a!!" He exclaimed.

"No, my name's _____! What's~a yours~a?" You smirked.

He sighed. "Luciano." Luciano said through clenched teeth. "But know this _____, I do not like you..."

"I feel indifferent towards you..." You turned your head as to shun him. 

"OK then~!" Oliver broke the tense silence.

"Any way doll face, you've already met Luciano, now this other weird ass blonde thing is Flavio." Allen said.

"Hey~a I take~a offence to that~a!" Flavio exclaimed with a fabulous flip of his scarf.

You giggled.

"So poppet. . . we need to ask you a few questions." Oliver said, a little more serious than normal.

You shrugged. "Sure."

"Good." Oliver looked over to Flavio and Luciano who walked over to you and grabbed both your arms.

"Hey what the hell?!" You protested, trying to get away. 

But they had you restrained completely. Crap! Maybe they know about that voice?! You rapidly thought.

Allen pushed over a table and two chairs so him and Oliver could sit down.

Is all this really necessary? 

They threw a file on the table labled: 1ps in messy, dark, capital letters.

You tilted your head in confusion. A. . . folder? You thought.

"Do you know what this is poppet?" Oliver asked, pointing to the yellow pieces of paper they call a folder.

You shook your head.

Oliver gave Allen a look and Allen sighed. "What about. . ." He opened the folder and million of pictures were spread on the table. ". . .  this?"

There were pictures of. . . guys? There was one of a blonde wiith blue eyes and glasses splashing in the ocean. And another one of a guy that looked just like Luciano with a smile on his face and eyes closed.

Your head started to hurt and your vision went black.

- - -

"Shit! Lukas we need to help her! She just fainted how dare those bastards!" An angry whisper said from the bushes.

The guy called Lukas scratched his head. He tried to hide his anger but it wasn't really working. "I know. . . We just have to wait until they leave her alone in her bed then we just take her. Hey Mathias, do you think you can carry _____?"

Mathias nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Until then, I'm going to use one of my spells. . ."

- - -

"_____. . ."

". . . _____?"

Some unknown voice was calling your name. You looked around, but there was nothing but darkness.

"_____. . . ." The voice said again.

It was male, yes definitely male. But who was it? It wasn't Oliver, Allen, Luciano, or Flavio.

So who was it?

"_____ . . . are you there?"

"Yes! I'm here but where are you?" You asked, turning in a circle trying to locate the voice. Then you realized it was the mysterious voice from earlier!

"Hey! It's you!" You called out. "Show yourself!"

"Just turn around."

You did and standing right there was a blonde in a blue sailor outfit. And around him was a yellow ghost with red eyes. You jumped back and landed on your bottom. "W-what is that!?" You exclaimed.

"Oh him? He's just a spell. . . ignore it." He walked over to you and held out his hand. "Here, get off the ground. It's dirty."

You took it and stood up. "Now who are you? and why could I hear your voice?" You asked, letting go of his hand.

"I'm Lukas." He said in the same monotone as before.

"Okay. . .?"

"You could hear my because I cast a spell. Me and my. . . 'friends' are here to save you." Lukas said.

"But why did I black out?" You asked.

Lukas shook his head. "I don't know. But I think it's because your starting to remember right? All I know is that you're here because I manipulated your dreams."

 "Oh, I can't remember names, only faces. The ones in the folder looked mildly familiar. Who are they?"

"You're real friends. Now I have to go, but when you wake up, you'll be with us, the good guys. See you soon _____. . ." He trailed off.

"Wait . . .!" You said but he had already disappeared "Lukas. . ." You whispered.

Then you felt lightheaded and fell to the floor. Your (e/c) orbs closed for good.








Why would you kidnap me?!(Hetalia x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum