The Badassery Continues

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"That's so adorable darling~" Lokki laughed. "You think you can kill us~?"

Thurston rolled his eyes. "We took out the Nordics and escaped unscathed. Good luck."

Your eyes were burning with anger and their comments just made you more pissed off. "I think it is you who doesn't understand~ I'm pissed." You said through clenched teeth.

"If that's supposed to scare us then you're doing such a good job~" Bernard said while still covering his hurt private area.

"Let's just kill this bitch." Markell grumbled, still in pain. You triumphantly smirked and sent a wink his way.

"That's miss bitch to you." You said.

"I agree. I'm getting bored." Egil sighed.

You sighed back. "Yeah. Me too. Time to die~"

Lokki broke out into hysterical laughter. "You don't even have a weapon~"

"You're~a right. _____ here~!" You turned your head and glanced at Luciano who threw two knives your way.

You caught both of them, one in each hand.

"What was that about not having a weapon~?" You asked and narrowed your eyes.

Standing behind the 2p Nordics were your other 2p friends. They all smirked and held up their weapons. "Ready _____?" Allen asked with a smirk as he held up his bloody bat.

"Oh yeah but Lokki's mine. Got it~?" You said and locked eyes with a grinning Lokki.

They nodded, slightly afraid of your current murderous state.

"Let's dance~" You grinned and charged at Lokki. He wasn't fast enough and you grazed his arm with your knife. He hissed in pain.

"That wasn't very nice darling..." He voice was laced with anger. "I didn't want to kill you yet but now I think I have no choice..."

"I'd like to see you try~" You smirked and charged again.

This time he dodged successfully. You groaned and went after him again, thrusting your knife. He dodged once more and you took the opportunity to kick his feet out from under him. Lokki was all bark no bite. For a 2p, he was quite slow.

"Erg.." He gasped as he hit the ground.

You pointed both your knives at him. "If you and your brothers surrender I might let you live."

He started to laughed. "Me? Surrender to you? Never."

You shrugged "Suit your--" In one swift motion he kicked you in the shin and got off the floor. "That was dirty move..."

"I always play dirty if you know what I mean~"

You groaned in disgust as he charged at you. You couldn't dodge as well and took a hit. "It's not nice to hit a lady!" You yelled and shoved your knife into his arm.

"Lady? I don't see a lady anywhere... Do you?" He smirked and held his arm that was now gushing blood.

He sure has a high pain tolerance. He must be a masochist... You thought. Gross..!

"You're a bastard!"

"The one and only~ Enough talk. You've succeeded in pissing me off. I'd hate to kill you off so early but I guess I have no choice now~"

With a sadistic smile, he charged at you and kicked your side, the one he burned you on.

You gasped, pain swimming through your veins. Of course he hit you there. He really does play dirty. You grasped your side and clenched your teeth together to keep from crying out. This hurts like a son of a bitch... You thought. You fell to the floor with a thud.

Lokki smirked and leaned over you. "Down so soon _____~? I was sure you would've lasted longer~" He placed his foot on your neck and slowly started applying pressure. 

I. . . Can't . . . Breathe. . . Everything hurts. Is this really the end? After all I've been through I'm going to die like this? It. . . Can't. . . Be. . .

As you started slipping into unconsciousness you saw a small light. An image flickered to life. It was your friends.

"Don't give up dudette!"

"Ve~ Bella!"

"Keep trying love."

"Kill him da?"

"Remember your training!"

"C'mon Frau! You're awesome!"

"Aiyah! Don't loose hope aru!"

"Give-a this bastard what he's had-a coming for a long-a time ragazza!"

"Ohonhonhon~ show him what you're made of~!"

"Ret's go _____."

"Never give up chica!"

You saw all your 1p friends smiling and waving. They gave you the courage to keep fighting.

You opened your eyes and smirked. "I refuse to die." You grabbed his leg and twisted it, causing him to fall to the ground. "The tables have turned Lokki~"

He rolled his eyes. "Get off me." He growled.

"I want you to beg for your life."

"Never. You're just a kid." He scoffed.

"Fine~" You grinned. "Allen! You guys done~?"

"You know it kiddo." Matt responded, punching Egil in hath face.

You turned back to Lokki. "I won't kill you because I'm not going to stoop to your level. But I am going to make sure you're never a problem~"


"I hope _____'s okay!" Alfred exclaimed, glaring at Gilbert and Ludwig.

"It's not my awesome fault. ____ just asked!" Gil crossed his arms.

"Ja. Don't blame us."

"Poor _____! I am so~a worried~a!" Feliciano hugged a very angry looking Romano.

"Get off-a me bastard!" Romano glared.

"I'm sure she will be fine. _____'s stronger than she looks..." Arthur tried to reassure himself and the others.

"I very much agree. _____ rooked very angry..." Kiku said quietly.

They nodded. She looked murderous.

"Poor Lokki~ he probably got his ass kicked aru~" Yao laughed.

"I hope she made him choke on his own spit, da?" Ivan grinned childishly.

Everyone else shivered at his kind yet deadly looking smile.

Though they didn't always get along, they all had the same love for _____.

And they all hoped she was okay.


This book is almost over.

And it just rained and hailed the size of golf balls here! Omg



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Hasta la pasta pasta pals~!

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