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"This is great! Just fucking great!" Allen yelled as he slammed his fist into the wall. It didn't do any damage and he angrily sighed.

"Allen. You need to calm down." Kuro rolled his eyes at the American.

"Shut the fuck up! And before you say anything Oliver...!" He glanced at Oliver, the colorful Brit. "...I'm not putting money in the fucking swear jar! We have a more important situation right now! We have no weapons, and we're stuck in this motherf*cking room!"

The others nodded because Allen was right. They needed to focus on a way to escape.

"_____ could be dead now." Oliver mumbled sadly. Not a hint of his happy-go-lucky personality.

"Don't fucking say that! I'm sure our counterparts found her." He groaned and his his head against the wall.

"What if they're dead too?" Oliver said in shock. "What's going to happen to _-___?"


"Say what now...?" You said as you started to struggle.

"Hush pet." Lokki grinned.

"You might want to stop struggling..." Markell said holding up his axe to your throat.

You swallowed hard and decided it was best if you decided to stop talking. For now at least.

"That's better~" Lokki laughed then turned towards the still confused 1ps. "Now you might want to close your mouths.... Your going to catch flies~"

"Shut up and give us back _____ bastard!" Romano yelled as he tried to stop Antonio from holding on to him. "Let go of me!"

"B-But I'm scared Roma~!"

Romano rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"I cannot do that little Roma~" The second player Norwegian grinned. Say that ten times fast.

"Why the bloody hell not?!" Arthur yelled.

"Because little Arthur-"


"-I need her. But I am willing to make a deal if you want her~" He winked.

You rapidly shook your head. "No guys! Don't listen to him! I'm fine!"

Lokki rolled his eyes and nodded toward Egil who gagged you.

"Mmmphhhff!" You tried to speak but it was no use. Your only hope now was that they turned down Lokki's deal. Oh how you hoped they would.

"What kind of deal?" Ivan asked. He looked over at you with a hurt expression on his face.

"Ah~ I'm glad you asked big guy~" Lokki smiled. "All you have to do to get your precious little _____ back is give me full control of your countries." He said it like it was a simple matter.

It might've seemed like he wasn't asking for much but he was. He didn't just want their countries. He wanted the world.

You shook your head rapidly again. "Mmmmmphhf!! MmPh!" They could take his offer. It would lead to the distraction of the world. Millions of people would die. And based on Lokki's methods, they would burn.

They all looked towards you then huddled.

"What do we do aru?" Yao asked.

"We save _____!" Alfred whisper yelled.

"It's not that simpre Arfred..." Kiku said sadly.

"I think I'm gonna cry~a!" Feli once again buried his small face into ludwig's chest. Romano made a 'tch' sound in disgust at the sight.

"Don't cry Italy. It's not in your training." Ludwig tried his best to calm him down but it was no use. Feli was too upset.

You watched the small Italian start to shed tears and felt angry and upset for him. It wasn't fair that they had to drag them into this! It was a problem between you and Lokki. Not your friends.

You were not a damsel in distress. You wouldn't let them save you again! Muir weren't the helpless kind of girl! Things needed to change.

You made eye contact with Italy and he only cried harder.


That was the final straw. They made Feli cry. They made your best friend cry and they were going to get it.

With a swift motion you stomped on both Markell and Bernard's feet.



This was your chance. Know free, you punched Markell in the stomach and kneed Bernard in the *ahem* balls. They both dubbed over in pain on the floor.

With a triumphant smirk, you ran in front of your friends and held your hands out. (basically in the jumping jack position).

"Leave my friends alone! This is between me and you Lokki!" You growled.

Loki smirked and clapped his hands. "You continue to amaze me _____~"

"B-bella~!" Feli wiped away his tears and hugged you. "You're~a okay~!

You smiled at him and nodded. "Yes I'm fine."

All the others were amazed and shocked. Except Gilbert and Ludwig who basically had nosebleeds because of your moves. Sick bastards.

"Ludwig, Gilbert."

"J-ja?" They both answered at the same time.

"I want you to take the others and leave." You said seriously.

"Nein! I von't leave you here!" Gilbert was the first to answer.

You looked over at Ludwig with pleading eyes. "Luddy..."

He sighed but eventually nodded. "Ja."

"Vest?!" Gilbert looked over at his younger brother with a look of shock.

"Do vhat _____ says bruder." He simply said.

"Eh but..." He looked over at you with a sorrowful face and you nodded. "Fine... Let's go everyone!"

"No I wont~a leave _____!" Feliciano said.

"Joy don't have a choice." With that, Ludwig picked up Italy bridal style and carrier his out.

"I won't leave either! Don't do this dudette!" Alfred was the second out of all the other to protest. But one by one, Ludwig and Gilbert showed, and even carried them out.

Of course, none of them would go willingly. Except Romano who simply gave you a court not and a pleading look that said 'I hope you know what you're doing _____'.

You sent him a look back that said 'trust me. I do. Good bye Romano'.

Slam! The door to the basement shut loudly leaving you alone with the rest of the 2p Nordics.

"Looks like we're alone now~" Lokki said with a wink.

"It seems so."

"Why did you send them away~? Want to be all alone with us~? I promised them a reward after all~" He looked back towards his brothers. 

Usually a comment like that would leave you shaken up. But not this time. Oh no. You were far from that. You were angry.

"Because my dear, dear, enemy~" You grinned. "You made my friend upset... Time to die~"


O.O r-reader-chan are you alright?

XD you're going to kill some bitches!

Currently on a plane to Boston yay going home!

Oh and this book is almost done as you can see yay!

I got the best chocolate in London and Paris! KINDER IS SO YUMMY!




Hasta la Paris!

Why would you kidnap me?!(Hetalia x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin