Chapter Thirteen: Special Surprise

Start from the beginning

She rolled onto her back and rested her arm on her forehead, her motionless eyes bored in the ceiling.

With her room now cleaned up of broken class and the window properly fixed, she was able to sleep in her own bedroom again rather then Brendon's.

Everyday the female wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and rest permantly, so she could never wake up and have to suffer another day of existing.

Her stomach suddenly grumbled out of hunger. However she denied it's wishes in stubbornness and continued to lay there on the bed. Then came another grumble of hunger, this time it was more painful and more in demand for anything edible. Her eyes clenched shut and she clamped an arm over her stomach that growled in hunger pains. She groaned through gritted teeth yet tried her hardest to not give in. This wasn't new for (Y/n), she had to deal with her stomach aching all week and managed to make it through. She knew that it was like any other time and the pain would eventually subside into nothingness and she'd be let at ease. She began to think otherwise when the pain never went away or eased itself, it only worsened.

This went on for a few minutes of pure agony and she felt tearful, the pain became so inbearable at that point that she needed to do something or else the agonizing feeling would never go away. She hastily threw the duvets off herself, with tears threatening to sluice, and slung her legs over the bed. Her feet raced towards the door before she gripped onto the handle and threw the (God damn) door open. She stepped into the hallway, seeing nobody in sight and only then realized how silent the house was. It became usual at this point because of the others constantly going out and how busy Brendon has been with his new album. (Y/n) couldn't help it as a small smile crossed her visage at the thought. Brendon really cared for his fans. He worked his ass of for them, to provide them with the absolute best. He's truly an amazing man, she thought in amazement.

She folded her arms over her cleavage once again when another pang of hunger pain shot throughout her stomach. To satisfy its needs, she trudged downstairs to the kitchen, with her posture hunched over slightly.

Once there she opened the fridge with her free hand, her other hand still clutched around her stomach, and she felt the coolness escape from the inside of the fridge and sweep against her body, giving her a shiver. She reached her hand inside and grabbed onto a fresh red apple from one of the shelves. She eyed the fruit as she closed the fridge, she wasn't planning on eating anything else rather than a single fruit.

She walked over to the sink, turned the cold facuet on, and ran the apple under the cool water.

'That's all I'm giving you.' She said in her head as she looked down at her stomach in disgust.

'I'm already fat enough, I don't need to gain anymore weight.' She thought as she turned off the tap and brought the apple to her lips and sunk her teeth into the fruit.

After taking a few more bites into the apple she felt ten times better than before as the pain in her stomach started to fade away.

She finished the apple down to the core and tossed the leftover into the garbage can. Her stomach still grumbled and craved for more, but the apple was all she was going to eat for the intolerable pain to go away. Just as she was about to walk out of the kitchen, something laying on the counter caught her eye. She turned herself around and noticed a white box with a note taped onto the top. The box looked like something that came from a bakery. Curious at what it was, she approached the box and wondered how she didn't notice it when she walked in. Probably because she was too occupied with her stomach pains and feeding herself.

There was also a small box beside the thin white box except this one had (F/c) wrapping and a bow wrapped around from the top to the bottom in a b-line.

《Please, Don't Be Afraid》Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now