Chapter Two: Where Am I?

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{Chapter Two edited: 7/12/2019}


Ever so slowly at a cautiously laborious pace, a waking conscious returned back to your slumbering form. Awakening into reality now, a low, distant droning of mild tinnitus was ringing in the caverns of your eardrums. A low murmured groan left your parched lips as your stiffened, tender body fluttered in light movements, stirring ever so lightly in aching discomfort. Steadily progressing aware of the environment while still submitted into a drowsy trance, you easily sensed yourself starting to arise into an awakening frame of character, but it appeared as though you couldn't seem to physically pry open your sealed eyes. As if unforeseen weights of immobile anchors settled onto your eyelids, leaving you with the inability to take a gander around your environs. A debilitated weakness dominated over your fatigued body, and you could feel a mixture of exhaustion and odd relaxation engraved into your being. It was strange how you felt so.. calm.

Despite the ringing hum crawling around in your ears, you perceived the distance sound of muffled voices conversing together in a posse of persons. However, you couldn't quite understand the indistinguishable words being discussed in the conversation. It was too far away. Grunting quietly, you then attempted to wriggle your body because of the uncomfortable position your body was presently situated in. You also aimed to move the rest of your limbs, torso, and head but that futile task was ineffectively useless. All that you could perform was a miniature shuffle in your stance given that you couldn't properly do any physical movements whatsoever.

'Ugh... Where the hell am I? What happened...? Why can't I move?' Internally straining into a pensive train of thought, you unavailingly endeavoured to remember what happened but nothing clicked in your head. As you heavily contemplated to yourself within the erratic turbulence of your thoughts, no tick of remembrance could appear in your mind, and you were obscured in a mental questionnaire of endless questions.

The muffled voices speaking from afar unexpectedly halted into silence, piquing your immediate interest and having you pondering to yourself. The sound of footsteps could be heard followed by the creaking of a door closing, however, it didn't appear to be anywhere closely nearby. Maybe a neighbouring room or something, though you couldn't tell. After a minute, you gained just enough quantities of strength and opened up your drained, fatigued eyes. Looking around, you became informed about the dark setting you've been placed into. You take notice of the unfamiliar environment all around, yet you were able to distinguish the surrounding articles of products distributed around.

'Where am I?'

'What the actual hell happened?'

'Why can't I move?'

'Was that someone talking?'

Questions flooded your cerebrum, rendering you into a frame of a mind riddled endlessly with internal complexities and confusions. You called out to see if anyone there, unavailingly.
Then you tried speaking out in general, unavailingly. You decided on just casting a view around to get familiarized with the environment. Your vision was polluted by a blur, but still, you had the ability to see. At the far right corner of the darkroom was a rack with a few shelves holding various supplies on it. Such as some candles, books, a rope, a first aid kit, some containers, a box of matches, and a flashlight. Random, useless objects. Beside the shelf was a shovel and a broom, and beside that was a doorway that leads to a staircase guiding upwards. And across from the shelf, on the opposite end of the room, was a long white table with nothing on top of it, but there was a chair pulled up to the table.

《Please, Don't Be Afraid》Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now