Chapter Three: New Life?

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My eyes fluttered open. I sat up and look around, i immediately panic. I then stop and remember that I am in Brendon Urie's house. BRENDON. URIES. HOUSE. I can't believe this!

I got up from the comfy bed. I yawn as I stretch out my limbs. I look at the bedside table beside me and look at the alarm clock. It reads "9:10" am.

I notice that there are two dressers across the room. One on the left side and one on the right and a TV in the middle of the two dressers. I approach the left dresser because i see something ontop of it and see that there is a note.

I pick you the note and it says:

Dear, (Y/n).

I will be out for a bit, doing some errands. I know I didn't get to show you around the house, so while I am away, why don't you explore? Don't worry you won't get lost. It's not like it's a giant maze, it's easy to manage and get around. Il see you later, (N/n).


"I wonder what he's doing? Well, I guess I should explore. He said I shouldn't worry about getting lost. That's good I guess,"

I put the note down on the dresser and walk to the bedroom door. I get out and start walking down the hall.

-A few hours later-

I got to look around the mansion. I found some bedrooms that were full of stuff but no one was in them. I wondered if people live here with Brendon. I ended up finding a kitchen, dining room, living room, game room, some closets, a small library, and three bathrooms. Some of the doors were locked so I didn't get to see what was behind them.

While I was in the bathrooms, I noticed there wasn't any sharp objects like razors or anything that might come in handy after. And in the kitchen, the only somewhat sharp objects were dull scissors and butter knifes.

"Does he know i cut? Fuck, he might bring up my cuts whenever he is going to talk to me like he promised,"


But there is a chance he might not know? I hope so.

I also noticed that all the windows were locked shut and the front door was secured. There was also a few cameras I spotted.

I also looked in the backyard. There was a pool, trampoline, a garden maze of some sort and a garage. I also noticed that there is a very tall fence surrounding the premises of this mansion and beyond the fence is forest.

I was currently in the living room sitting on the couch. It was 12:48 am. I was deep in thought about everything. Are people looking for me? Does anyone care? Did anyone notice that I'm gone? Probably not. No one would care for a worthless piece of shit like me.

Now I have an urge to cut. But there's no razors! Maybe I could use a butter knife and drag it across my skin? That would probably work. But what if he catches me?

《Please, Don't Be Afraid》Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now