Thunderstorms: Four

Start from the beginning

A very good lie if ever Azra heard one.

They were soon in the border of the Elenka Villages when Azra felt the carriage turn slightly to the left. There was something very wrong with this trip. Was this how he was to meet his death? Were the Elder Mothers tired of tolerating him in this land? He was not sure of what he was going to do. He could easily overpower the people “escorting” him here.

But that would mean spilling Yorite blood, the highest of crimes in all of the Motherlands. Even the people of Oak would never forgive him for that.

“We are here,” the announcement came from up front and the carriage stopped. Azra was led out and it took him a few seconds to adjust to the daylight. When he did, he noticed he was at the very edge of the Dead Forest. A few paces forward was the Elder Mothers. But not exactly the same Elder Mothers he knew.

There were the usual number of Elder Mothers, but the Black Elder Mother was missing. In her place and her colors was a blonde girl who, from the swelling in her eyes, was from crying.

“You called for me, Elder Mothers,” Azra suspended his surprise and sank to one knee. He was going to get through this first and ask the questions later.

“Yes, Outcast. We require your services once again,” The Yellow Mother spoke with a smirk on her face. The last time Azra saw that smirk, someone was being killed. He rose from his prostrating position and awaited the commands.

“Our sister has finally made her way to the next adventure of her life, the gods be with her in Valhalla.”

Everyone in the vicinity made a circular motion with their right hands three times before resting it on their breast. The three motions were to signify the Circles of Life in Yori; Birth, Death and the Afterlife. Azra finally understood Wendi’s outfit and presence here. He had also understood many another things.

“I am at your service, Elder Mothers.”

“Our sister had confided in you important information,” The Blue Mother almost hissed. It was a clear indication that she was only aware of this very recently, “A mistake, it was, but we cannot speak ill of one who is not with us now.”

Azra almost rolled his eyes. The Elder Mothers present must have spoken ill about the Black Mother when they discovered the work she had been giving him. He was never supposed to know more than what was required. It would not surprise him if the Yellow and Blue Mothers actually allowed the Black Mother to die because of that.

“But as it turns out… it might have been fortunate that she did,” The Red Mother spoke and Azra could not ignore that tone. Something was very wrong here.

“I do not follow, Elder Mothers.”

“Let us elaborate then. Your task is simple. We want you to go back.”

The ringing in Azra’s ears continued long after the Elder Mother has spoken. He could not believe what it was that they were asking of him. He had done every kind of service they had asked. Every kind of filthy task no mortal could do and remain spiritually clean. All of that, he did so that he would never do the one thing that he was facing now.

Going back to the place Bolin took him from.


“The Darkness of the Dead Forest is starting to become too powerful. Something must be done about it,” the Blue Mother spoke off handedly.

Azra could not believe it. These old fools! They knew why he did not go back. That place was worse than the hate that he faced in Yori. He could never defeat them. Not even with the power he had, more or less, stolen from them.

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