Chapter 14

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4 days ago
Jae's POV
Arrived at the airport and we go inside the private airplane with BTS, sir. PD-nim, etc.

Hours ago
Arrived at Seoul, South Korea and wake up sir. Jin.
Sir. Jin, wake up we've arrived. I say
Hmm. He say and pull me closer to him. I look at him with wide eyes and STILL he's eyes are close .
Sir. Jin? I ask
He open his eyes.
And push me. I fell down at the floor.
Sorry. He say and help me stand.
I bow at him.
We're here. I say
He nodded. We exit the airplane and go to our own houses.

Minutes ago
Arrived at my house and rang the doorbell.
(i don't tell Moon that im going home, because its a surprise!)

Moon's POV
Im playing with Joo and hear the doorbell rang. I carry Joo and open the door.
Im jungshook for what I see!
Jae?! I ask in shock
She nodded.
E-o-mm-a? Joo say

Jae's POV
I hug them.
We miss you. Moon say
Me too, hello Joo, eomma miss you so much! I say
He laugh and he's SO cute when laughing.
Here i bought a food, let's eat dinner. I say
But I cook a ramen. Moon says
Its fine. I say. I come in and we eat.

3 hours ago
Joo fell asleep and Moon on her own room. Im done fixing my things etc. And sleep.

(sorry for a boring chapter {i think} but hope y'all like this chapter😊)

My 2nd husband||Kim Seokjin {Completed} (Edited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora