Chapter 3

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Next day
Jae's POV
I woke up at 8am and its my day off today.
I cook pancake for breakfast, Moon and Joo is still sleeping.
Minutes ago done cooking and Moon go downstairs with Joo carrying him.
Good morning Jae. She say
Good morning Moon and Joo. I say
I put Joo on a baby chair and gave him baby food. He start eating it and playing with it. We start to eat.

Hours ago
Arrived at the mall with Joo and Moon.
There's still xxxx dollar on my salary. I decided to buy some diapers etc.. For Joo
After it we go to a baby clothing store and buy 2 clothes for Joo, After that Moon go to a girl clothing shop.
She choose a supreme crop top
Don't you wanna buy a clothes for yourself? She ask
No I don't need to, I still have many clothes. I say
Ok. She say and pay for what she buys.
Then we eat on the foodcourt. I see BTS is eating here too.
I get a baby food in my baby bag and gave it to Joo.
Moon order our food and minutes ago, our food arrived and we eat.
Jin come to me.
He bow at me.
I bow back.
Jae right? He ask
I nodded.
Is this your son? He ask
Yes sir, He's Joo. I say
Hello Joo. He say and start cuddling Joo. Joo is laughing and smiling.
He know you? Moon ask me in a low voice.
Yes, he's our costumer. I say
Can i take a picture with you? Moon ask to sir Jin.
Ok. He say
After that Jin came back to their table.

Jin's POV
Why did you go there? What is your relationship to her? Suga ask
She's the waiter on the cafe shop near our building. I say
Ohh! She's so beautiful ahh.. J-hope say
Yah she is, but she have a son already. I say
Do you like her hyung? Jungkook ask
No we're just FRIENDS. I say
They nodded and we eat again.

Hours ago
Jae's POV
Arrived back at Moon house and done changing my clothes to pj's and sleep with Joo.

My 2nd husband||Kim Seokjin {Completed} (Edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin