Chapter 10

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1 day before the concert
Jae's POV
I woke up at 7am. I cook breakfast and we eat. After that I go to the grocery store to buy milk, diapers etc... For Joo before I leave. After that I go home. arrived at Moon's house. I keep the things I put them into the shelfs, cabinet etc. After that I go to my room and do a list for Joo. Done doing the list and gave it to Moon with xxxx dollar.
Moon here... I say and give her the paper with a money.
She just get the paper.
Come on Moon, its just fine. I say
You can keep that Jae. Moon say
Please... So that If there's a emergency on Joo, you don't have a problem. I say
Okay, thank you Jae. She say
I should be the one to thank you, because your so kind to me and Joo. I say
She smiles.
That's how friendship do. She sayl and we hug each other. Then i hear Joo crying. upstairs (he's sleeping). I broke the hug. I run upstairs and carry Joo. I give him a milk and he fall asleep again. I pack my things and we eat lunch. After that we go to the park because, we're gonna picnic there.
Arrived at the park. Me and Moon put our things on the grass and prepare it. After that, we sit on it and eat some chips. Joo start running around the park and he stumble...
I run to him but, someone go to him also and help him.
I bow at that boy.
Jae! He say
Sir Jin? I say
He nodded.
I look around the park and saw BTS. They are doing a picnic too, here.
Kamsahamnida. I say and get Joo.
Where are you two going? Jin ask
I point at Moon sitting on the grass. And there's Moon acting cute at Jin. I quitely laugh.
You will not put a band aid on that? Jin ask
We forgot to bring some. I replied
He go on their picnic place. He open his backpack and come back to us. He put the band aid on Joo's feet.
Thank you very much sir Jin. I say
And the other member waved at me. I bow at them and go back to our picnic place.
Hey im jealous. Moon says
Jin keep watching me.
I laugh shyly.

Hours ago
Done eating dinner with Moon and Joo. I sleep at 8pm because our flight tomorrow will be at 2am.


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