I adoringly watch my daughter for a few more moments before checking Emma's message.

Emma: Call me

I chuckle at her blunt short message. After months without seeing each other her first message to me is a simple two word sentence - if anybody else could call it that.

Leaning comfortably back at my soft and comfy chair and staring affectionately at my daughter's bobbing head as she made up some story for her play time; I called Emma.

"Y/N, been some time, " Emma answered at the first ring.

I smiled knowing how much the cold blonde missed me. "Yo, how are you and Dylan? "

"We're both good. " She replied and in the distance I could hear Dylan's loud voice. "Dylan's...a little busy. "

"Let me guess, " I pause to build some dramatic scene. "Flirting with some new hot girl that's been nominated for some forgettable award? "

Emma chuckle lowly, "Your still piss with him? "

"Of course, " I replied. "He rejected you for someone younger and who is using him for publicity. "

"That...thank you Y/N, " Emma said. I smirk at her loss for words. That doesn't happens oftenly. "But I know I'm better than that hoe. And plus; I know how to make men orgasm in less than thirty seconds. "

I laugh loudly at that making Lena stare at me with curious eyes. I smile at her before returning back to the phone call at hand.

"That's good to know Emma, " We both chuckle at that before my eyes drifted towards the wall clock. "As much as I like hearing from you Emma, do you need me for something? "

"Yes, of course, " Emma's voice turn back serious and business like. "I just wanted to remind you about your birthday at Wednesday next week. We'll all be there. "

"Sure, "

"There's no surprises. So you better be there. "

"I know. "

It was silent for a few moments. Only my daughter's immitation of Batman's and Spiderman's voices fills my ears. To me, for knowing Emma for years, I know her enough to know she's calculating all the scenarios that's about to happen next.

"I know it's hard Y/N, " Emma said softly. So uncharestically for her. "We're here for you and Lena. Always. "

"I'm lucky to have great friends. " I chuckle with a strain smile hoping it would take the pain away. "I just need some time. That's all. "

"Okay. I have to go. Take care. "

"You too, "

"See you later auntie Emma! " My daughter shouted with a waving hand as if Emma could see her.

"See you later too darling! "

We ended the call and I look towards my daughter. I stood up and reach out my hand towards her.

"It's time kiddo, "

Sometime later

I held my daughter's hand as I breathe in a shuttering breath. Lena had a soft and almost tender look in her eyes as she stare at the gravestone.

"Mommy's here daddy, right? " I close my eyes. It's the same question my daughter always asks.

"Yes my sweet baby, " I try smiling at her as much as I can.

She nodded but she tilted her head to the side like a confuse puppy, "Don't cry daddy. It hurts. Mommy's happy now. She's in heaven, right? "

"Of course of course, " I wipe away my tears not wanting to upset her further. I need to be stronger for her. "She's more than happy. "

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