Ch. 28 ~New Man~

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"What do I do? "

Lauren had her back against a familiar park bench as a puff of cold air escapes her mouth. It was close to Christmas, but that thought was far from Lauren's mind.

Y/N ran away. The coward actually ran away. And that very idea angers Lauren to no ends. How can he do that without thinking of the people he leaves behind? Does he always think of only himself? Is he the very person who hides away when things gets hard? Or maybe he's just a plain coward

"Ahhh! " Lauren fisted her hair in frustration. Her long black hair in her hands only made her hand twitch in anger more. "What do I damn do? "

It wasn't like anybody would give her an answer, but she half hope that maybe Y/N would waltz right in and comfort her; like always.

"Your attracting attention, lo, "

Lauren raises her head and glared heatedly, "Shut up Cabello, "

Camila raises her hands with two pair of Starbucks coffees in each hand, "Chill. I come in peace. "

"Come in peace my ass, "

Camila tilted her head and sat beside the bitter Lauren, "What crawled up in your hot ass? "

Lauren groan at the younger Latina's teasing manner. "Could you stop? I am not in the mood. "

"Maybe I can help you be in the mood, "

With a growl Lauren grab the collar of Camila's coat. The drinks fell towards the ground from the sudden force. Curious onlookers stared at them but Camila only smiled calmly at them as she waved off their concerns.

"Do you think this is a joke? Y/N gone. We don't know if he's okay or hurt. And your here playing around as if your friend never disappeared. What's wrong with you? "

Camila sigh. Smiling with no worries she gently pry Lauren's hands away before placing a soft kiss on them.

"Y/N was never my friend. "

Lauren froze. Her anger gone and was replace by confusion.

"I'm sorry, come again? I think I heard you incorrectly. "

Camila shrug her shoulders before standing back up. "Y/N is not my friend. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna buy us some cold Ice tea, since you're clearly not in the mood for coffees. "

Watching Camila walk away Lauren felt like shooting the girl down.

Are all people as fuck up as her?

Lauren shook her head already knowing the answer. Without waiting for the brunette to return Lauren got up and left the park.

She walked aimlessly for a few minutes. Not caring on where she was going. She met a few fans and took a few pictures but mostly she tried to be as discreet as she can wanting some time for herself.

Before she knows it she was inside a place she thought she would have never set foot again.

"Can I please have two croissants and a cup of hot chocolate, "

Lauren sat down at an empty booth and took a sip of the hot chocolate before taking a small bite at one of the still hot croissants. The food tasted good but Lauren wasn't really focused on it. She came to this small cafe because of the familiar feeling it gave.

Unknowingly Lauren grabbed her shoulder bag and grasp the soft napkin under all her things. Her fingers trace the messy handwriting and a single drop of tear hits the thin material.

"I just want things to go back to how they were, " She sighs before gently stuffing back the napkin. She didn't want to use it for her useless tears.

Finishing her tasteless food and drink Lauren left the small cafe and continued wondering the city with a small hope of seeing the stupid man she holds dearly.

When the sun was gone and the stars came out Lauren return to her home. Not with the girls but with her parents. As much as she loves the girls they reminded her too much of the stupid man.

Aren't I doing the same thing as Y/N?

Running away and avoiding the problem. It is such a disgusting act that Lauren couldn't help but cringing at herself. But nonetheless she arrived outside her parents house half an hour later. She paid the cab driver before walking up the porch of the cozy home.

Breathing in a tired breath she grab her keys from her bag but before she could even do anything else the door was open from the other side.

"Isn't it my favorite member from Fifth Harmony! "

Before the unknown person could say anything else Lauren's sister, Taylor, came running towards Lauren for a huge hug.

"Laur! I missed you, "

Lauren smiled back and reciprocated the bear hug. But her eyes were locked with the bright ones behind her sister's.

"You must be Taylor's boyfriend, " Lauren said with a polite smile. "It's nice to meet you. "

Taylor choke on air before laughing out loud. Lauren stared at her with furrowed eyebrows while the young man grinned.

"I'm hurt Lauren. Have you really forgotten me? "

Lauren stared harder at the man. From his perfectly combed hair to his muscular physique that could drive any girls insane. Aside from his handsome facial features and his expensive garbs there's nothing Lauren could recall from the man.

"I'm sorry, " Lauren shakes her head before giving a small smile, "These past few days have been stressful. I may need some time to clear my head. "

"It's okay. I have all the time in the world. " The young man smiled flirtatiously. And Lauren is sure girls easily swoon for that smile.

"Thank you..." Lauren smiled.

"I'll let you remember my name, " The young man wink.

Taylor clap her hands once breaking the intense stare from the young man. Lauren entered her family's home quickly wanting to get out of the cold air of November.

"May I? " The young man kindly outstretched his hand.

Lauren shook her head, "You're our guest. "

"I don't mind doing it for someone as beautiful as you. "

"Aren't you a charmer, " Lauren said amuse as she handed her coat to the flirty man.

"Only for you, "

Both of them smiled widely at each other. Each of them had a glint in their eyes.

"Okay Laur, I have to go! "

That broke Lauren's thoughts. "What? Where are you going at this hour? "

Taylor playfully rolled her eyes. "It's only seven at night. At a friends house. Also mom and dad are out for date night, while Chris is busy doing a project at his partner's house. "

"Hey just wait... " Already seeing her little sister running off at the night she sigh.

"Now it's just the two of us, "

Somehow seeing the young man smile it felt like a wave of nostalgia hits Lauren hard at her chest.

A/N: Another update! Also what do you think will happen next? And what do you think is the ending? We're coming close to the end guys for this book. Let me hear your thoughts my beautiful readers.


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