Special Epilogue

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A/N: Hey my beautiful readers! Since most of you requested a Happy alternative ending I'm gonna give it to you....maybe 😂 Now this will be the final chapter. No more. But thank you again for everything guys. This has been a hell of a ride.


15 years later

I woke up from the sun's ray relentlessly attacking my defenseless eyes. Taking a minute I wake myself up by mindlessly staring at the ceiling like any other person would do. That was until a pair of green eyes and black as midnight hair came stumbling into my room.

A wide smile that shows her perfect teeth graces her beautiful face. "Daddy! "

I open my arms with my back on the headboard behind me. "C' mere darling, "

My daughter quickly made her way to me while giggling and laughing at God knows what. I smiled at her carefree attitude and happy personality.

She snuggles up into my arms with her open hand palming my chest. Most of the times she would make these random cute noises while the other times she would just aimlessly claw and palm my chest like she does to her favorite plush toy.

"Daddy? "

I hum softly as I comb through her messy tangled bed hair. "What is it kiddo? "

She reluctantly untagle herself from me with a frown. "Today's mommy's birthday daddy, "

I smiled softly, "I know darling. Do you want to prepare your gift for mommy for later? "

She nodded quickly with the smile I use too always see on her mother. "Yes please! "

With that my daughter bounded back towards her room with the same excitement from earlier. The empty room that was once filled with so much laughter and happiness made me release a sad smile.

"Time to prepare for the day, " I said as much strength as I could muster.

The next few hours I prepared breakfast for both Lena and I (her favorites: Chocolate chip pancakes with straberry syrup by her outstrech grabby fingers). After a messy breakfast I let Lena play with her toys in the living room while I finish up some files for Sarah that needs to be sent by Monday.

"Daddy? " A peep sounded behind me.

I close my laptop and smiled amusedly at my daughter's full hands. "Need help? "

She puff out her cheeks as her eyes shined with determination. "Nope. I can carry my toys. "

I chuckle as she clearly struggle to told her two plush toy of Batman and Spiderman while balancing her newly soccer ball in the other hand. "What do you need kiddo? "

"You have a message daddy. " From beneath all her toys and between her tiny fingertips lies my phone. "It's from auntie Emma. "

I raise my eyebrows. "And here I thought she was busy with her new movie. "

My daughter pass me my phone while she decided to sat at the small couch in my office. Her legs swayed back and forth as she made her plush toys fight each other.

"Daddy! " My daughter called as I open my phone. "Who'd you think will win? Batman or Spiderman? "

"That's easy: Batman. "

My daughter frown as if the answer displeases her. "You're wrong. Spiderman has all the cool powers and Iron man's help. "

I laugh at my daughter's cute angry face. Her cute cheeks red and her eyes narrowed.

So much like her mother, I thought with a wistful smile.

"That's my opinion darling. "

"Your opinion sucks daddy. " She mumble thinking I didn't heard. She went back to play fighting her toys while using the ball now as a meteor.

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