Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~

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"Are you Eris from high school? "

"Nope, "

"I really thought that was correct though! "

Lauren had her legs tucked underneath her as she sat at the living room coach while the young man sat at the loveseat in front of Lauren. He's charming smile never faded away since Lauren started talking with him.

"Hmm, " Lauren had her hand under her chin in thought. Eyes clouded with determination. "You're filled to the brim with flirty comments. You're charming and that grin of yours must have bedded several women. " The young man chuckled but Lauren continued her analysis. "And you have a unhealthy fixation for green eyed women, "

The young man tilt his head to the side, "The last one is wrong. "

"Really? Because I thought you like women with green eyes since you can't stop looking at mine. " It wasn't in Lauren's mind to be boastful nor to acknowledge the young man's flirtatious attempts but just an honest deduction.

"Really. The only green eyes I love to stare under the sun and below the stars are yours. "

"Flirty and poetic, "

The young man smiled amusedly at Lauren's mumbling. Before Lauren could guess anymore names her phone blasted a pop tune.

"What makes you beautiful by One Direction. Never knew you were a Directioner. "

Seeing the man's teasing smile Lauren waved off her tiny blush, "I'm not, but the person that owns this ringtone is. "

Ending the unnecessary call Lauren look back up at the young man. His face was calm but his eyes told so many stories that made Lauren all the more curious on who the mysterious man is.

"Just who—"

"Your insecure

Don't know what for

Lauren felt her annoyance spark up. That Cuban woman surely don't know what the cold shoulder is or even knowing when she lost.

"Want to dance my lovely rose, "

The young man has his hand outstretch towards Lauren as an offer to a dance.

"A dance, " Lauren said as she holds back her laughter, "To this song, really? "

"A million percent, " Without waiting the young man grab the Latina's stubborn hand and clasp it with his.

"Did it hurt? "

Lauren had a hunch where this line was going but she decided to amuse the man even more. "What hurt? "

"Falling into my heart. "

This time Lauren stared deeply into the young man's eyes. All she found was a wall and a swirl of alluring charm.

"Time to dance! "

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, "Aren't we—! "

The young man twirl Lauren in a spin before wrapping his arms from behind. His hot breath tickling her baby hair in her neck.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else, " The young man sang. It was a deeper and more sexier tone than Harry's or anybody else.

"Uh I um, " The ringtone already stopped, and the young man stared at Lauren with a deep intensity that was unlike anything of his usual frivolous manner. "I need some air, "

Luckily the young man didn't deny Lauren for some air as he let's her go.

Outside the cold night air bites Lauren's skin as she unluckily left her coat to the young man's hands. But she doesn't have any plans of going inside and seeing that man again. At least not now.

Sad Song (Lauren/You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu