Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~

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11:00 pm.

Lauren groan in impatience. For the last hour she has been staring at the clock that hangs in front of her wall. The sound it produces as its thin hands move in a clockwise manner sounded mockingly for Lauren.

"Fuck it, " Lauren mutter as she stood up. "I'll wait for him at the park. "

Grabbing her Adidas backpack and her car keys, she quietly tiptoe downstairs. When she pass by the kitchen she stop. Her eyes linger on the refrigerator. Unconsciously her mind wonders if she should bring some snacks in case the man would get hungry. There's no harm in it but then again she doesn't want to be seen as desperate.

"Why am I even over thinking things like this? " Lauren mutter. 
Her footsteps pitter patter against their kitchen. Lauren is thankful for the moonlight that shone through their glass windows as she avoided the kitchen counter. Manoeuvering away from it, she made her way to the steel fridge that stood alone at the corner.

"Hmm, I wonder what he likes? "

Lauren scan through their fridge before choosing to grab some fruits, Junk foods, chocolates, sodas, and some juice boxes- After a long time of thinking.

"I think this is enough, " Lauren mutter, looking at her bag that looks to explode any minute.

Just as she threw her backpack over her shoulder the kitchen lights turn on, making Lauren freeze on her spot.

"Laur. . ." A sleepy Ally stood against the doorway. "What are you doing up so late? And what's all that food for? "

"Uh...Chris and Taylor wants to have...a...sleepover. "

Ally raise her eyebrows as her tired eyes looks at the nervous Cuban in front of her.

"This late Laur? "

Lauren force her nerves to steel at Ally's gaze. "Yeah, they couldn't wait another day for me to visit them. "

Ally continue to stare at Lauren, waiting and seeing if the girl will crumble at her excuse. But She didn't.

Ally sigh, "Just stay safe Laur and remember we have an interview tomorrow."

"I will Ally, " Lauren smile and went to give the shortest but oldest member of their group a hug. "Don't stay up waiting Als. "

Ally reciprocate the hug before Lauren turn and made her way out of their large apartment.

"Don't do anything stupid Laur, "

Lauren stop in her tracks.

"I won't Ally. "


"Wake up babe!"

A giggle woke Y/N up but he decided continue fake sleeping.

"C'mon babe, wake up. " A whine escape from the voice that Y/N love all these years.

"Please baby, " A soft kiss was place on Y/N's lips. "I need you. "

Y/N wanted to open his eyes and stare back at his favorite pare of eyes in the world, but he also loves to prank and tease his girlfriend.

He could hear the whines coming from his loving girlfriend which almost made him stop his game- Almost.

To annoy her further, Y/N turn his back on her and started to snore loudly.

"That's it. " Y/N heard a soft growl from her before soft footsteps echoed around their room then silence.

Curiosity got the best of Y/N as he open his eyes. For a few moments he blinks his eyes as it adjusted to the bright light coming from the windows.

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