Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~

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"That will be all. " Kyle wave his hand lazily towards the door. "Be here tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp. "

Lucas nodded his head, "Thank you Mr. Warren. "

Lucas stood up from his seat first silently and left the room.

Just as Y/N was about to leave — Kyle stop him.

"Before you leave Mr. Y/LN " Kyle's lips slowly form into an ugly grin. "Be here at 5:00 am. "

"What? " Y/N said those words in bewilderment.

"You heard me, " Kyle twisted his seat away from Y/N and towards the huge glass window behind him. "That is — if you want the job? "

"Fine, " Y/N sigh in a tired state.

"Good, " Even if Y/N could not see his face his sure there's an ass splitting smile there. "Not a minute late. You may leave now. "

Y/N left the room more exhausted than the past weeks when he went job searching and attended those other useless job interviews.

But he doesn't have the right to complain. He just can't laze around forever and expect Camila to baby him or treat him like a child. Heck, his older than Camila.

But in this economy or business; age barely matters, what's important to those industries is knowledge, and who has more contacts. Y/N sigh once again but this time its his depressing thoughts. Sadly I didn't went to college and neither do I have any contacts in the business world.

A certain person pop's into his mind but he roughly shook it away.

He would rather suffer all his life before asking that man's help. Nothing in this world is worth enough to even say one word to that man.

When Y/N finally reach the elevators with the help of his cane; he saw it closing.

"Wait! " He shouted as he hobble as quick as he could. "Wait! I'm getting in. "

By a stroke of luck — which Y/N thought his run out — a hand shot through the thin opening of the elevator from the inside.

"Thank you.... " Once Y/N got inside the elevator he took a few seconds to catch his breath before thanking the person. ".... Mr. Evans. "

Lucas nodded his head without showing any emotion in his blank gray eyes. He press the close button and not soon after the elevator descended.

Once Y/N caught his breath he readjusted his suit and stood upright with the help of his handy cane.

The person beside Y/N didn't show any expression when Y/N made difficult expressions or actions as he pulled on the collar of his suit or adjusted — every few seconds — his dress shirt.

It wasn't Y/N fault rather the suit he's currently using was from his prom day — which was years and years ago. So it was completely tight and uncomfortable to him but luckily it didn't show that it was small on him to others. That would be embarrassing. For a man at his age wearing a suit for a teen.

One of the perks for being poor I guess, Y/N thought bitterly in his mind.

"Excuse me Mr. Y/LN, " The sound of his elevator companion voice brought Y/N out of his daily thoughts.

"Uh... how can I help you Mr. Evans? "

"Do you want to hear some good advice Mr. Y/LN, " Somehow it didn't sound like a question.

"Um.... Sure I guess "

For the first time since meeting the young teen; a dark look passes over his face as he stare straight at Y/N.

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