Ch. 31 ~Always~

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I could only stare.

Blue eyes, brown hazel hair, sweet smile, inviting luscious lips, but a wicked heart.

"Hey now, " I look away from my past. Patting Sofi's head I grab the child's attention. "Stop crying. I'm here now. Okay? "

Sofi shook her head to my surprise. Painful tears still surrounds her eyes. "You'll leave again. Why do you keep on leaving? "

I couldn't look her in the eye. Instead of answering I hugged her again. It was awkward since I'm taller than Sofi and she barely reached my stomach but seeing the girl so distressed I couldn't do anything else but what she wants.

Out of of the corner of my eye I saw her approaching. I close my eyes and hugged Sofi harder. It's a dream. It can even be a hallucination from lack of sleep. She's gone.

"Hello Y/N, "

I open my eyes once I heard her sweet melodic voice. She's smiling. That calm and beautiful smile that I crave.

She took my silence as enough to touch my cheek. Her smooth hand caress my cheek before catching a fallen tear in my eye.

"I missed you. " She spoke looking at me with a wobbly smile as tears shine brightly in her eyes. "I missed you so much. "

Nothing else needed to be said as I grabbed her. The hug felt more awkward with Sofi in the middle still crying. But we both didn't care. We were both sobbing into each others arms.

There's so many things I need to ask her. So many questions that needs answering. But for once it didn't matter as long as I'm not alone anymore.

Even if it's with my ex girlfriend.


"Chocolate! " Sofi ate her ice cream happily.

"Slow down Sofi, " I said grabbing a napkin.

"Stop, " Sofi whine as she scooted away from me.

"Don't be like that my butterfly princess, " I grin when I saw Sofi's blushing cheeks. "If I can't serve my princess then there's no meaning for me to be here. "

"F-fine, "

I clean Sofi's face quickly. When I'm done she lean back into my side as she happily ate her ice cream again. This time carefully she doesn't mess herself.

"You're surprisingly good with kids, "

"Yeah, a lot of things happen since then, " I mutter.

My ex smiled across from me. In all honesty I've forgotten all about her. Or more like I'm trying to. Kinda hard considering she's in front of me. All the years I've tried to bury my feelings for her and now all my efforts are wasted.

"What now? " I ask out loud. Luckily Sofi is busy eating her favorite ice cream.

"I imagine you have several of questions, " She said nodding understandingly.

"That's an understatement. " I remark. "But what I want to know first; how do you know Sofi? "

"I'm friends with her sister. "

"Specifically when? "

She raise a single eyebrow, "You think I'm lying? "

"No. But I feel like your not saying the truth either. " I know how she acts. All the years I spent with her (not counting the times I thought and dreamt of her) practically makes me a part of her.

"That's what I always liked about you. You always follow your instincts. " She leaned forward with that look in her eyes. Trouble and mischief burning like sapphire. "Makes me tingle. "

Sad Song (Lauren/You)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon