35 - No drinking. No drugs. And no unprotected sex with your non-girlfriend.

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Sadie is looking huge nowadays, being as she is over twenty-two weeks pregnant with the twins of a not-small man. I'm guessing they're going to be both tall and bulking by the size of Sadie's stomach currently, and seeing her growing bigger every day is a pretty big motivator for Dad and I to get our house finished sooner rather than later.

We all went to her second ultrasound a couple weeks ago, and she and the babies are all healthy and growing as they should be, much to all our relief. They offered to tell Sadie and Dad their sex, but they'd already decided to keep it a surprise. Madden and I both wanted to know, and tried to get the sonographer to tell us in secret, but she wouldn't budge.

She did give me a photo of the two of them though, which currently sits in the window of my wallet in front of a selfie I'd printed of me and Madden. I pulled it out and showed everyone I could at every opportunity, so psyched was I that my baby siblings were finally looking more and more like humans and not alien lifeforms from another planet.

Logan thought it was pretty cute that I carried around a picture of my mother's ultrasound photo in my wallet. I pulled it out to show her the next time she came around to see me, which she was doing a few times each week, sometimes staying for dinner, sometimes not, depending on whether she had work or if she was doing other things.

It was handy she was older than me and had her license and could drive, otherwise I doubt I would have been able to see her half as much. I can't wait to get my own license in a couple months when I turn eighteen so I have the freedom to see her whenever I want. I feel like it will make the whole non-dating of Logan thing we're doing a little simpler, Logan still being unsure in herself about making anything official.

What I was really excited about, however, was that we were both going away for a couple days this upcoming weekend for the rite of passage that is passing all your exams, graduation, and finally celebrating with your friends that you made it out of high school alive. My friends and I weren't doing the whole 'Drunk Schoolies on the Gold Coast' thing that so many other Australian high school kids do every year. We're just going camping together down the coast not too far from home in Melbourne, which is my ideal kind of holiday. Ideal largely because Logan is going to be there.

Byron, Logan and a few of their friends decided to come with Ryder, Jasper and some of our friends when we told them what we had planned. I was so thrilled when I found out they were coming, my mind automatically jumping to imagine what it would be like to share a tent alone with Logan. It probably wasn't going to happen, but a man can dream.

"Alright, Jet," said Dad, readying himself for the dad-lecture he was about the lay down on me before I left. "No getting pass-out drunk. No drugs of any kind. No fireworks and/or out of control bonfires. No swimming after dark. No taunting dangerous Australian fauna which can kill you. No fighting drunk idiots. And no unprotected sex with your non-girlfriend."

"So, I can have sex with her as long as it's protected?" I smirked at him, but he just grimaced and shook his head at me, looking over my shoulder to where Logan and Byron were, of course, standing behind me, hearing everything I said. "You could have given me some warning, Dad."

"Now, where's the fun in that?" he laughed, pulling me into a hug. "Be careful, Jetty," he whispered in my ear. "Call me if you need anything, okay? Have fun, I love you."

"Love you too, Dad," I said before looking sheepishly at Logan, who had retreated into her car from embarrassment at my ill-timed joke.

"Just FYI, Jet," said Logan, turning the ignition once our things were loaded in her car, including my magenta princess strapped to the roof. "You'll have to find another non-girlfriend to have unprotected sex with, because my tent will be the one furthest from yours, and you aren't getting anywhere near it."

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