20 - It's kind of endearing to know she has feelings like the rest of humankind.

184 20 4

I was grateful that Darcie and Kendall were nearby when Sadie pulled away from the carpark, otherwise I probably would have stopped her and begged her to hang around with me, just to avoid the discomfort that always seems to ensue whenever Logan and I are around each other.

Darcie, seeing me standing in her line of sight, squealed and ran over to me, rushing in for a hug around my waist that I was not exactly expecting.

"Hey there, cutie," I chuckled, wrapping her up in my arms when she refused to let go. "And how is Miss Darcie today?" I said, looking down at the bright blonde hair currently clinging to my abdomen over my footy jumper.

"I'm so happy to see you! Did Madden come with you?" I can practically hear Madden's unknowing blush from here. He is going to melt when I tell him she asked about him.

"Nope. Just me today, unfortunately. You'll be seeing him tonight, though. We're all coming to By's birthday party," I said, feeling the enthusiasm erupt in her little body underneath me.

"Oh, that's cool," she said, letting me go and trying to play it off like it was nothing, her excitement giving away too much for her liking. She was adorable. Maybe I wouldn't mind Sadie's baby being a girl as much as I thought I would.

"Jet!" said Kendall, following her daughter's lead and welcoming me with open arms. "Oh, it's so good to see you! Where's your mum? Is she here?"

"Sorry, Kendall. She had to get back home to rest before tonight. You'll see her later though, and I can promise you she'll be really excited to see you," I said, trying to alleviate her disappointment.

"I cannot wait to see her! And your dad and Madd? They're all okay?"

"Fit as a fiddle, every single one," I said, silently chastising myself for my use of such an outdated phrase. Kendall, however, loved it; but she seems to have a soul as old as Sadie's which makes it acceptable for her to enjoy it. Me, teenage boy in the 21st century, not so much.

"So glad to hear, Jet. I can't wait to hear all about the rest of your trip, but it might have to wait 'til later, I'm afraid. I have to get to helping the boys set up for the game. You'll be okay here on your own?" It was like she suddenly realised her niece was standing right next to me. "Oh, forgive me. You've met our Logan, haven't you? She's By's cousin."

"Yes, I have, Kendall. We hung out together yesterday when Byron picked me up from the airport," I said, deliberately not looking at the girl standing beside me.

"Ah, yes. How did I forget that he stole my car to drive all the way to the airport just to see his boyfriend the second he arrived home." She grinned mischievously at me. "Did you like the flowers?"

I chuckled, and nodded. "Most beautiful I've ever received in my whole life."

"Good. He made me drive around for hours trying to find magenta Gerberas. You couldn't have picked an easily attainable colour, like white, or yellow or something?" she smirked at me.

I laughed again. "I honestly didn't expect him to get them."

"What about the sign?" piped in an eager Darcie. "I helped him. Did you like it?"

Looking down at Darcie again, I said, "Exponentially better than the flowers, but don't tell By that." I winked at her, and she shrieked briefly before blushing and running off to play with some other girls nearby.

Kendall giggled and turned to get back to her club duties with Bryon's team, leaving Logan and I standing awkward and alone, and me with no one else I knew to go join instead.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I turned to Logan, determined not to be an asshole if I could help it. "So . . . how's it going, Logan?" I now stood facing her, my hands deep in my front hoodie pocket, my fingers twiddling together underneath, hidden by the fabric.

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