18 - Logan.

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"You three are actually the worst at keeping secrets," I said when we were out of earshot, smacking each of them on the arm as we walked off to find Byron's car. "I'm never telling you anything ever again."

"Yeah, you will. You love us," said Jasper, hitting me back playfully. Fuck, I've missed them. "But for real, all that stuff about your ankle was just a lie, right? We need you playing on the weekend."

"It's all good, mate. Probably better than ever considering how much surfing and hiking we got in while we were away," I said, alleviating his fears.

"In a non-gay way, because I'm fairly sure your boyfriend here will kill me if I start cracking onto you in front of him, you're looking pretty fit, bro," said Ryder, his New Zealand accent sounding even more pronounced than ever considering I've been surrounded by Americans for a month.

"You guys know I'm not actually gay, right?" asked Byron, genuinely sounding doubtful that we all did.

"You're breaking up with me?" I said, feigning devastation. "And here I thought what we had was real."

Everyone continued laughing as we arrived at what I assume was one of Byron's parents' car—a newer model navy blue Mazda CX-7.

"Yeah, it's Mum's," he answered when I queried him about it. "You seriously think I'd own one of these Mum Mobiles myself?"

We continued laughing freely all the way to a good pizza joint near home that Ryder, Jasper and I order from all the time. They have both vegan and non-vegan options, which helps to satisfy my meat-loving friends while giving me options to eat, too.

It was strange, that the four of us were here hanging out together like we had been all our lives, when in actual fact, I only met Ryder and Jasper a few years ago when I joined their football team, and Byron only a month ago while conveniently holidaying at the same location, at the same time. It just felt surreal. None of my previous friendships had been this easy, so I assumed this must be the result of something special. I know I sure felt that way sitting at this table with them, though it could have been delirium from not sleeping for almost a whole day.

"Hey, would you guys mind if my cousin came by to meet us here?" asked Byron, looking at us all apprehensively after reading through a few texts on his phone. "She had a fight with my aunt and wants to see me, but I need to take you guys home still."

"Suits me just fine," said Ryder, slyly, though recanted quickly when he saw the knowing look on Byron's face. He laughed, and said, "Just kidding, bro. But yeah, no issue at all. There are plenty of seats." There were plenty of seats, and none of us minded at all. More the merrier at this stage of my sleep deprivation.

She arrived, 20 minutes later looking not a single bit how I imagined the female cousin of Byron to look. I stupidly expected someone who looked like Kendall or Darcie, blonde and classically pretty.

But Logan was something else entirely, and that something else was absolutely gorgeous. She was tiny, almost breakable-looking she was so thin. Not in an unhealthy kind of way, just an impeccable, overactive metabolism kind of way. She had chestnut, shoulder length, wavy hair that faded to blonde at the ends, with short cut bangs that framed her face perfectly, even with the beanie she was currently wearing. She had 2 of the most beautifully hazel eyes adorned with long lashes and strong dark brown eyebrows that immediately drew your attention. Her little petite nose, complete with delicate silver septum piercing, contrasted so with her fuller lips, painted a glossy natural pink, almost nude colour, which was the only hint of makeup I could see on her face at all. I've never been a fan of makeup, despite previously dating girls who wore a lot of the gross shit, so this bare face of hers was a breath of fresh air. She was wearing skinny jeans, which just highlighted how slim she was even further, a simple fitted white t-shirt and an oversized woolen cardigan.

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