Chapter 3

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I had a crying child in my arms and she refused to stop or let go. The neck of my black blouse was wet with her tears and it took so much from me to not sit on the floor with her in my arms and bawl my eyes out too because I definitely don't want to go without her. My boss informed me over the phone yesterday night that there was a meeting he had to attend and forgot to inform me about it but that as his secretary/PA, I should be there and we were to leave Sunday evening and return Tuesday morning, hence my current predicament. Amari didn't want me to go without her.

"Baby I'll talk to you over the phone. I will be back as soon as possible."

She shook her head as big balls of tears left her eyes and slid down her face. "Don't leave me."

"You know I don't want to but I have to work. Two days. I'll be back before you know it." I replied as I wiped her face with my hanky and a little frown. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she was having separation anxiety.

I dropped my handbag on the floor and picked her up. My mum had given up on trying to take her away. I didn't like it when Amari cried and because I knew that on a normal day, she wasn't a crier, it was disturbing seeing her cry like this.

"Amari is something wrong?" I asked softly as my eyes flicked to the wall clock directly above the TV. 30 minutes to go. I made my way to my bedroom and waited for her to talk.

"Bonnie." she said and I laid down with her on my chest as I looked up at the ceiling.

"What happened to Bonnie?" Bonnie was one of her friends from school.

"Bonnie said her mummy went out to buy candy for her but she didn't come back."

"When did she say this?"

"Yesterday when Miss Fiona told us to make a wish. I don't want you to go."

I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. I love the fact that she is a very intelligent child but sometimes, the things she said and thought about scared me. Sometimes her questions caught me unawares and in as much as I answer them to my best abilities, I don't always want to. Her mind went farther than I expected a 5 year old's mind to go because why would she think I'd leave her behind?

"I promise it won't be like that. I will call you every hour to say hi. We will talk via video calls. You'd get to see my face and I'll get to see yours and blow you kisses. And when I get back, we will go out for ice cream and pizza and we will do anything you want us to alright?"

"Pinky promise?" she asked with a sniffle as she stuck out her pinky and I entwined my pinky with hers. "Pinky promise baby. You know I love you too much to just leave and not come back." she nodded and sniffled again and I checked my watch. 15 minutes to go.

"I have to go. I'll call before I leave and when I get there alright?" she nodded again with her thumb in her mouth. I sighed. I didn't like that she wasn't being as vocal as usual. I left the room with her in my arms and then gave her to her grandma. She did give me a sloppy kiss on the cheek which I returned and waved before grabbing my bag and my small suitcase and waved goodbye before finally closing the door behind me. 

The only thing that gave me the balls to stay that late was the fact that my boss sent a taxi to pick me up because it's my fault you didn't have a prior knowledge. I was supposed to have a prior knowledge. I was his secretary for crying out loud. It spelt misconduct on my part.

Luckily the roads weren't busy, so I got to the airport on time. I spotted him sitting and waiting for me while flipping through a magazine. He looked so good I wanted to weep. Over time I came to realize that he wore royal blue suits more than any other color but today, the jacket and tie were missing and the top buttons were unbuttoned. He looked as normal as the other people around him. I liked the fact that he had all that money but didn't show off or expect any sort of special treatment. While working for him, I had the opportunity to meet people like him and people completely different.

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