The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.3)

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Ghhhhhh! This jerk! You're the one who called me here. I really wanted to hit him. Luckily, I still had my self-control and restrained myself from punching him.

I nodded impatiently.

"What did you need me for? I'm very busy with the product designs " and trying to make the FL's life hell.' I decided not to say the last part out loud.

"Sorry about him. Michael, you should focus on your work now. I'm telling you this as your secretary and . . . *blushes* lover." He whispered the last part but I could still hear it. The ML chuckled and pinched Aiden's cheek again and whispered something into his (Aiden's) ear that made him (Aiden) blush even further. 

Could these two stop acting so much in love . . . Wait a minute. They were in love. How did that happen? Wasn't the ML supposed to fall in love with the FL? But . . . this also means that half of my missions are already completed. I still have to expose the FL true nature but the ML already has another lover so . . . This situation was actually quite good. But they should still refrain from flirting in front of me. 

The ML turned his attention back to me. I could feel my palms sweating under his suddenly cold gaze but I tried to not let it get to me.

"You cannot tell anyone about this." The ML told me. I looked at him blankly. I can't tell anyone about what?

Aiden seemed to notice my confusion and he said, "Our relationship is a secret. Please don't tell anyone about it."

"Why would you want to keep it a secret?" I didn't get. Was their love forbidden? Were they like Romeo and Juliet, whose families were enemies but their children inevitably fell in love with each other.

"There are people who will target Aiden to blackmail me since he is my lover. I don't want him to get hurt so I decided to keep my relationship a secret." The ML explained. 

I nodded. It made sense. It would hurt to see your beloved person get injured. For some reason my heart hurt and the emptiness inside me just grew. I didn't know why until later . . .

Aiden and the ML were staring at me.

"You don't think it's disgusting?" Aiden asked.

"I think it's very disgusting. Why the hell do you have to flirt with each other in front of me. I get you're in love and all but please just get a room . . .To yourselves. Seriously, I have no intrest in seeing you two so lovey dovey like that." I complained.

"pfffft- Sorry, it was hahahahhahahhaha" Aiden started laughing hard after hearing my response. 

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I meant what do you think when you see two men dating each other?"

"Nothing much. I just don't like couples in general, no offense. Be it two girls, two guys, or a girl and a guy, I don't care, to me they are all the same: Individuals who are deeply in love with one another . . . Most of the time. " I answered honestly, thinking about the exceptions where couples are cheating on one another or have ulterior motives for dating the other party.

"You're quite open-minded." Aiden commented.

"No, I actually don't care. Some things are more important than love." I said.

"Like what?" Aiden asked curiously.

"Money." I thought the answer was pretty obvious.

I could feel the ML's oppressive aura spreading throughout the room again. His expression was passive, but I could tell he was angry. Even, Aiden was frowning at my response.

"So, would you date people for their money?" The ML asked, in his deep, cold voice.

'Would I? The answer is quite easy . . ."

"HELL NO! What type of person do you think I am? If I want money, I'll obviously work for it my self! I have shame you know. Ugh, stop trying  to compare me with those people." By 'those people' I was talking about the FL. Why did I have to be compared with her? I was obviously better.

The ML raised his eyebrows at my answer. He adjusted Aiden's position on his lap and said,

"I suppose I won't fire you then."

"What?! Why would you even think about firing me?"

"The meeting will be starting soon. Gather your team and let's head to the conference room. My cousin will be attending from the main branch to see the plans, so make sure to not mess the presentation up. That was all I needed to tell you. You can leave." The ML informed, completely ignoring my previous question.

I guess I had no choice but to do as the ML said since he was technically my boss. I reluctantly got up and turned to leave. 

"I hope we'll get along well." Aiden called out to me.

I smiled at him. It would be nice to have a friend in this world, even if I would have to leave soon. Also, I really liked Aiden. He was frank about things just like me. He didn't seem to like the FL at all so maybe he could help me plan her demise. That would be fun!

"Me too." I replied back, leaving the office to prepare for the presentation.

Red String Of Fate System (Dropped)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz