Important info and a job

Start from the beginning

"Go inside. There you'll meet my boss. He wanted to talk to you." The guy said. Felicia went to the door and knocked. A

"Come in." Replied a booming voice. Felicia gulped before opening the door. Sitting behind a giant desk was Wilson Fisk as he was writing something. He stopped and put the pen down. "Come sit. Ms. Hardy." Fisk said gesturing to a chair in front of the desk. Felicia walked towards the desk and sat down slowly. "Me. Hardy why do you think I had them bring you here?" Fisk asked.

"I was told I got a job from my interview." Felicia said.

"Indeed. You see out of all of the candidates that were interviewed then you stood out to me the most. Why do you think that is?" Fisk asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"I... honestly don't know." Felicia said.

"It was because out of everyone there... you alone showed true potential." Fisk said.

"Me?" Felicia asked a little confused. 

"Yes. You.... you want to know what caught my eye when I read your resume?" Fisk asked. Felicia nodded. Fisk pulled out a copy of her resume.

"You've been practicing martial arts for 3 years. And yet already your one of the highest ranked martial artist on the national level. 3 years and your already above the prodigies who have been training their entire lives. Same thing with gymnastics and your computer skills. How did you do that?" Fisk asked.

"Um..... all I can say about that was through my hard work and determination. It might be a little hard to believe but that's all it is." Felicia replied.

"I believe you. You know hard work and determination are what brought me to where I am now. You see when I was a child I was a blubbery little kid who grew up in the slums. It was through my own hard work and studying that I was able to start my business.... Did you know that my business actually started by selling spices to the east. My company wasn't even in America. It wasn't until my company was built up that I brought it over. Through my own hard work I was able to become so rich only tony stark could out buy me. What I see when I look at your resume is a women who can achieve most anything by your own hard work. Now your hard work has brought you to right here. With me offering you a job." Fisk said sitting up. "What do you say?" Fisk asked.

Time skip

Peter went up the stairs to his apartment. When he opened the door he found the place empty. Hm. Weird. As he was settling in he received a message on his phone. Checking it he got a message from S.H.I.E.L.D. The message asked for peter to meet them at the helicarrier. Changing into his costume he started swinging through New York. Using his super jump he leapt from a skyscraper high enough to shoot a web that caught the side of the helicarrier. Once on the helicarrier he went towards the forensics labs. Once in there he was directed to a man at a computer.

"What did you find?" Peter asked.

"This is Anne Weying blood sir." The man said pointing at the screen where red blood cells were being shown. "We found something in her blood that you might be interested in." The guy said before he moved the mouse and clicked on a little tag showing a picture of something alongside the red blood cells.

"What is that?" Peter asked.

"hCG. Human chorionic gonadotrophin. And there's a lot of it." The agent said.

"What?! Are you telling me that she's....." peter then got the picture. "Pregnant..... did Eddie make Anne his baby momma? Eddie.... you are one fucked up son of a bitch." Peter said. He began to think. "How much is there?" Peter asked. The guy typed and pulled up the levels. "These levels are through the roof. It's not possible to have levels this high..... unless... damn she's gonna be in pain. I feel sorry for her." Peter said.

"I'm sorry I'm not following sir." The guy said confused.

"Higher levels of hCG indicate either the timing or multiple birth. These levels do not consist with the timing so she's having a multiple birth and with these levels.... it's triplets..... at least." Peter explained. The guy realized what peter meant. Peter then had an idea. "This might be good." Peter said. He then left and went back to his apartment. There he spent hours working on his computer. It was a long shot. But if anne was carrying at least three babies and they have all have Eddies powers. There was the slight chance that together they had enough of an electrical output from their venom blast to be tracked. It was a long shot but it was Peters best lead.

Time skip

Felicia came home around 7 o'clock. When she opened the door she found peter working at his computer.

"Peter!" Felicia said happy to see him.

"Felicia. Where have you been?" Peter asked.

"Work." She said. With a triumphant smile.

"Really. Good for you. Where do you work?" Peter asked.

"Fisk tower. Aunt May sent me there for a job interview as a receptionist." Felicia said.

"Well. That's a good steady job." Peter said.

"I didn't get the receptionist job." She said.

"Then what do you do?" Peter asked confused.

"I'm mr. Fisk's secretary." She said clearly proud of herself.

"How did you get that?" Peter asked.

"Well mr. Fisk conducted the interviews. He was interested in how I was able to learn martial arts, gymnastics, and my computer skills. All of which I'm an expert in after a few years because of my.... former job." Felicia said referring to her former criminal activities.

"Well rich people can be eccentric. But that's great Felicia. And I don't want to be rude but I'm a little busy right now." Peter said. He then went back to his computer.

"What are you doing?" Felicia asked curiously.

"Well. Recently we found blood samples from a warehouse Eddie was hiding out in. The blood belonged to Anne Weying." Peter said.

"Well that's good. It means your close right?" Felicia asked.

"Yes and no. Eddie moved out recently. But her blood did shine some light." Peter said.

"How So?" Felicia asked. Knowing Felicia wasn't all that great at biology he though of the simplest way of explaining.

"Ok. In your body right now is a hormone. Human chorionic gonadotrophin. For you this hormone isn't all too important. Because the levels of how much is present isn't really high. But in Anne's blood the levels of the hormone are through the roof." Peter explained.

"What does that mean?" Felicia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Two things could be meant by that. First she could have cancer but I don't think that's the case as the levels of the hormone do not match it. The second. Anne is pregnant." Peter said. Felicia's eyes widened.

"Oh my god! Why would venom do that?" Felicia said confused.

"Don't know. But if she's pregnant which she is. I might have a way of tracking her." Peter said.

"How can you track a pregnant woman?" Felicia questioned.

"Well this won't work on most women. But Anne is carrying Eddies child. So the baby will have his powers. There is the slight possibility it might have his venom blast." Peter said.

"So got gonna track the electricity!" Felicia said in understanding.

"Exactly. So right now I'm building a device that can track electrical frequencies." Peter said.

"I don't get that but if it works then great!" She said.

"It's only a matter of time." Peter said as he turned his attention back to his computer.

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