Chapter 31: Bye bye Aaron

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Jack POV:

We had to do something, we couldn't let this happen to our girls. We started to look around for something sharp to brake the chains. Them I poked myself on a piece of Dimond. Perfect! I started to scratch the metal, it was working but it wasn't fast enough. "We're never going to brake free at this rate, we need to find something else." Felix was right I dropped the diamond and looked around for something else. But there was nothing that I could find until I looked behind me. A mermaid sitting still and was being hypnotized. He was holding what looks to be a sharp sword. I told Felix if he could reach it, because I couldn't and he got it. We both sat as far away as possible to each other in order not to get hurt. Felix raised the sword and swung it down making a loud clash against the chains. They broke off and the cuffs that were around our wrists magically vanished.

Aaron looked to see what all the noise was about. Then he noticed that we escaped. "NO! Stay seated! This is my day and my spotlight so don't ruin it!" He swam at us with long chains in his hands. When he got close to us we got out of the way and he missed. Felix and I made a plan that we would try to trap him in his own chains. Aaron turned around and and charged towards us again. Felix grabs onto one of the chains and tugged it out of his grasp. One more to go.

While Aaron was distracted Felix wrapped them up in the chain. "Hey let go of me!" He struggled, wiggling as much as possible to escape. I grabbed the other chain but wasn't paying attention when he slipped his arm through the chain and grabbed my necklace. Shit.

Felix POV:

In the middle of keeping the chains secure so Aaron wouldn't escape I felt him rapidly shift and he grabbed jack's necklace. Oh shit. "Ohh so this is why hypnotizing you didn't work on you two. Your not real mermen are you." He said. "I wonder what will happen if I take it off of you." Aaron smirks. Jack's eyes widened in fear. "Don'" I said trying to scare him by threatening him, but I didn't seem to work.

He ripped the necklace off his neck and Jack immediately started to form back into a human. Suddenly I something zoom by me and grabbed Jack and pulled him towards the surface. I didn't see what it was it felt like it was going faster then the speed of sound. But after all of that happened I didn't realize that I let go of the chain that prevented Aaron from escaping. Now I'm the one wrapped upon the chain. Shit.

Jack POV:

After Aaron ripped off my necklace and I started to turn back to my regular self. I was rapidly pushed to the surface to breath. Then I felt fingers that were tracing on my neck followed by an object, gliding up my chest and at one point it stopped. I looked at the water it had a green glow then I was pulled under water. I was breathing? My necklace was fixed.

I turned around to see y/n, "y/n how are you out of that-" I was cut off when she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. Her lips were smooth, it felt like a cloud. I wanted to rap my arms around her but  she quickly pulled away. "If Aaron isn't focused on hypnotizing something for long then I will were off. And I had just enough time to fix your necklace." We exchanged smiles when Aaron grabbed y/n's wrist. "There you are my princess. I looked for you everywhere." "Let me go!" Y/n struggled to be released but wasn't able to. "Come on we have to finish our ceremony." Then in a blink of an eye he quickly dragged her away. But luckily for me my necklace was on and as soon as I transformed I swam down and hid behind a pillar.

"Ahh finally now my princess shall we?" he pointed the surface y/n seamed scared. "Please don't do this." She wined and begged. "Oh but princess in order to do the ritual we must leap and stay on the surface for a while and have our children." As soon as he said children I had reached my limit. I swam towards Aaron as fast as possible and started to beat the living shit out of him. "Don't you dare touch her! She's MY princess!" I said while still punching him. Y/n pulled me away from him so I could stop, and I did. Aaron floated to the surface of the water dead, like an actual fish. "Thank you Jack, I love you." "Your welcome y/n and I love you too." We inched closer to each other and soon enough we kissed, but not long after stopped by some clearing their throat, as a sign to address us.

Y/n POV:

The entire town was watching us. "Hee hee, sorry." I said while scratching the back of me head. Soon after mom and dad came up to us.

M: Y/n darling are you ok!!!
D: Listen Jack we apologize for our actions towards you. We are just used to doing things a certain way.
J: Don't worry your highness as long as everything works out in the end.
M: Oh y/n were so sorry love.
Y: It's fine mom really.

I looked behind them and saw Felix and Marzia  share a love of kiss. I'm so glade all of this mess is over, I wrapped my arms around jacks right arm and squeezing it a little.

M: Now that this is all out of the way. We still have a problem.
Y: What's that, mom?
M: Well as much as you hate the idea of it but we still need you to get married.
J: Oh, well your majesty that could be arraigned. I would gladly marry your beautiful daughter.
M: Yes but you aren't a prince or a real merman at that.
D: oh darling but it's the only person she'll marry.
M: *sigh* Alright we'll think about it ok.

In Love with a Fish Jacksepticeye x Reader [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora