Chapter 52- the sneaky switch

Start from the beginning

           "No, how come?" He asks casually. I suppress a sigh. Why does he find the need to lie to me?

            I push it all aside and just offer a soft smile. "Nothing. But..." I continue, suddenly noticing something off about his order from earlier. "I thought you didn't like gochujang. How come you're getting the jjigae with it?"

           He laughs. "So your logic is that if my tastebuds have changed at all in the last 5 years, then something must be wrong?"

           I roll my eyes playfully and lightly kick his shin. "Shut up, I just didn't realize you were fond of it now."

           "Truth is..." he says, lowering his voice and leaning closer across the table, as if he's about to tell me a secret. "I'm not."

           There's a moment of silence as I just stare back at him while furrowing my eyebrows, wildly confused. "Then wh-"

            "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few minutes." He interrupts me, getting up with a tiny grin dancing on his lips. I don't even get the chance to question him as he walks off, leaving me dumbfounded in my seat, alone on the roof with twinkling stars as my only companions.

            What's up with him?

           I hold my head up in my hands, elbows resting on the table, and I ponder this odd situation. I'm probably being over dramatic, but he's just being kind of weird...

           I end up zoning out, since Hoseok is taking longer than I expected. 3 minutes turns into 5, then 7... I lose track as I stare off into the city, the lights all bluring together in a beautiful mural of bright colors, looking like a modern sea. The wind relaxes me and my mind wanders off.

             Finally, I hear near footsteps, coming closer. I blink back into reality and turn my gaze to him. "God, Hoseok, that was a long shit you too-" I gasp before I can finish my sentence, choking on my words before they can leave my mouth. I'm so shocked that I literally fall backward on my chair from flinching so intensely. I let out a shreilbas I come crashing to the ground.

            I shut my eyes tightly in abrupt fear, but the impact never comes. After waiting a few moments for my heart to start beating again, I slowly open my eyes, to see Jungkook's hands tightly gripping the sides of the chair, to keep me from falling. He stares at me with an unreadable expression- not smiling, but not sad or angry, no furrowed eyebrows or nervous lips. Blank, yet his eyes shimmer a bit.

            I clear my throat after a few moments too long of unblinking, unmoving silence, my heart picking up its pace exponentially. I haven't seen him in a whole 10 days, we haven't communicated at all. The last time I saw him he was sobbing, cursing and me, and shoving Hoseok. I don't know how to react to his sudden presence. "Thanks." I say softly, slowly uprighting my chair. He flinched his hand away, awkwardly putting them at his sides.

           We're silent for some long moments, staring at each other, unsure of how to continue.

           "How did you know I was here?"
           "I have so much to explain."

           We speak at the same time. He's about to reply when I do first. "Then explain." I say, trying to be firm, but I'm sure he hears my hesitation. He can wait to explain how he found me, but first I need to know what happened.

           He sighs for a moment, before sitting down across from me. "My brother, he-"

           "First, why did you push Hoseok that day?" I ask, interrupting. The main thing I need to understand is where his violence came from.

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