Chapter 8 : TRUST

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I woke up with some red marks on my arm.

I bet it was because of that car shampoo from last night. ########## that guy, he kept pouring it on me. Stupid Phun. My light-skinned arms are now covered with red splotches. I’m not handsome anymore.

Kidding! They’re tiny marks. =p This is nothing to me. They can’t ruin my good looks, haha! Wait, did someone just call me conceited? You better watch it!

Speaking of Phun, it reminds me that I left my watch at his place. (I took it off before we washed my bike. I don’t want my poor Diesel to drown.) I better call him and remind him to bring the watch to school. I’m dead if I lose that watch, my grandpa bought it for me from Australia.

I pull out my phone and call him immediately.

I had to try twice before he finally answered. I thought that he had already gotten to school so he couldn’t hear his phone ringing. But then he finally answered!

“Hey, what’s up, Noh?” Jeez, he sounds so drowsy, it’s really putting me off. Don’t tell me that he was still asleep! It’s already past 7!

“Aren’t you going to school? How were you still asleep?” I scold him over the phone, but he has the nerves to yawn in return.

“Yeah, I’m not going. Is there something you need?” Eh?!

“Yeah, I left my watch at your place.”

“Oh, yeah. I kept it for you. Can I bring it to you tomorrow? I don’t think I’m going to school today.”

“Yeah, sure. But how come you’re not going to school?” It sounds like I’m being nosy but I couldn’t help and had to ask him. He’s the student council secretary and an honor student too, how can it be possible that he decided to skip school on a whim? Especially since we’re so close to that chaotic soccer competition event. I find this really hard to believe.

It sounds like there’s some hesitation at the end of the other line (maybe I was imagining things?). He finally finds the words in the end. “I don’t feel too well. Can we talk later? I’m really sleepy.”

“Sure, sure.” I hang up the phone, but this still bothers me.

So he’s not feeling well?


My iPhone tells me that it’s past 8 am now. I’m in front of the huge mansion. This is the 3rd day in a row that I invited myself over to this place. Am I a die-hard fan of this place now or something? -_-”

So what should I do? Should I ring the doorbell? I keep thinking as I pace back and forth in front of the silver alloy gate. What should I do? It’s way past 8 now too. I just wanna know what’s wrong with him and why he’s not going to school. If it isn’t what I suspect, then I’ll go to school after I find out. But what if it is what I’m suspecting…?

Ugh! I just need to find out for sure!

“Oh, khun Noh! Are you here to visit khun Phun?” Luck is on my side this morning. Auntie Noi happens to be walking nearby. I happily rush over to the gate. “Yes, what’s wrong with Phun?”

“He’s not feeling too well. Why don’t you come inside, khun Noh?” The elderly woman opens the smaller door to let me in. I properly greet her before I walk to the house.

“So what’s wrong with him, Auntie?” Don’t think that I’d stop shooting questions her way. She simply gives me a gentle smile instead of answering me.

Don’t…tell me that you and Pang share the same ideals, Auntie. -_-”

“You can go upstairs and check on him, khun Noh. He’s asleep in his bedroom.” Screw it, they all can think whatever they want (I’m used to it now). I nod her way before I walk inside the house that I’m starting to grow familiar with.

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