CHAPTER 52: Helpless

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“I’m so sorryyyyyyyyy!” Om has been apologizing and begging for forgiveness for the past 10 minutes.

Yes, it has been 10 minutes since Yuri was here and got the answers to all of her questions. It has been 10 minutes since she ran off without asking another question.

“Hey, it’s okay. This wasn’t your fault at all.” I grab Om’s hands that are still up in the air as he refuses to put them down. I don’t want Om to stress over this. He’s not responsible for what happened just because he was the one that brought Yuri over to the clubroom where she witnessed the unexpected event. That’s what unexpected in unexpected event means, so there’s no way I’m going to let Om blames himself for this.

“Fucking hell, man. I really shouldn’t have brought her here. I’m really sorry…I…”

“Stop it, this isn’t your fault. We were the ones being careless, Om. We were…reckless.” I force out each word with much difficulty. It’s not easy to admit that all this happened because we were getting all caught up in the moment. No, it wasn’t Yuri’s fault. She wanted to drop off the stickers from yesterday. She was trying to be a good friend. It wasn’t Om’s fault. He brought Yuri here so that she didn’t have to get through the crowd of boys on her own. He wanted her to stay safe. This was my fault. I was so engrossed and fixated on getting what I wanted. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences of my actions. Not even for a moment.

I lightly squeeze Om’s hands. It seems he still cannot accept this but he gives in anyway. He stares at me as though he wants to apologize for a hundred times more. I don’t think he needs to do something like that at all.

“Ugh…! I was so…aahhhh!” In the end, he proceeds to yell and hits his own chest and head before storming off. He remembers to close the door for us (with a slam). Sigh. Om is always like this. Sure, it seems like he doesn’t take things too seriously but he takes responsibilities for all of his actions (when he isn’t trying to be obnoxious). But this time around, I truly don’t see how Om is responsible for this.

The ruckus inside the clubroom from a few minutes ago fades away. There’s only the sound of my exhales filling the room. My head hurts. I’m at a loss on how to deal with this big mess that just occurred. I throw myself down on to the long sofa and join someone else who has been sitting on it.

That’s right. Phun is still here. He looks very much concerned and I can feel it. I glance at his sharp face full of worries. His sweaty hands are in a tight fist.

“Phun…are you alright?” Even though I barely have any strength left, I can’t help but ask the guy next to me because I’m worried about him. I know very well that he doesn’t feel that differently from Om.

“I’m…sorry.” Just as I thought. I look at him when he weakly answers me. His eyes are obviously cloudy. What else am I supposed to do other than giving him an encouraging smile?

I use all the energy I have left to smile for him. “What are you sorry for? Don’t worry about it! I mean, if we’re looking for who’s to blame, then both of us are at fault.” I pat his back gently. I only believe half of what I’m saying. Truthfully, I don’t blame Phun at all.

Yet, his somber expression persists. “But I was the one who…started it…”

Well…if that’s the case. My lips curl into a grin as the guy who seems to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders look into my eyes. Slowly, I move closer so that I can touch those orange lips with my own. Phun is slightly alarmed at first, but then he allows me to take the lead. I smirk at how obedient he is before I get my fill how he tastes. His lips are sweet and I kiss him until I’m satisfied.

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