"What is it?" Lucy asked me.

"Um, nothing!" I said turning around with a smile. "Now, where's that campsite?" I asked the DLF. He just looked back at my strangely and I smiled, trying to get everyones eyes off me.

"Right. Well, its right through that thicket of trees. There's a large pond about a half a mile north from there-"

I tensed, the quickly relaxed, hopeing no one noticed. I felt the adreniline from the cliff accident slowly fade from my body.

"Well, come on," he said when he was finished. Peter groaned and stood up then reached down to help me up I began to reach up, but stopped and hissed when I felt a soreness burst through my right shoulder.

"Maria what is it?" Peter asked, kneeling down.

"Nothing," I hissed through my teeth. He chuckled dryly.

"Yes, judgeing from the look on your face, its definitly something. What is it?" he bent down and touched my shoulder. I hissed again and jerked away.

"I think I tore a muscle," I addmitted. "Nothing serious." I unlcaced my cloak with one hand and the DLF bent over to look at my shoulder.

"She is right about one thing," he said testing it withhisfingers and me trying not to flinch. "Its nothing serious."

Peter let out a sigh of relif and the DLF looked back towards him. "I'll bandage it up and-" the DLF continued to ramble on and on, but I was no longer paying attention. No, I was to busy worrying about what I was going to do about tonight.


We lay out in the circular clearing of trees out in the woods looking up at the sky the fire crackling behind our head. The moon wasn't even at its highest and I could already feel the pull from the north. It didn't help to be less than a mile away either.

"Are you okay?" I heard. I turned my head over and looked up into sky blue eyes glittering with the fire light. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," I admitted, which was partialy true. I was so tired of resistng the pull.

"Is that all?" Peter asked propping himself up on his elbow. I grinned, pretending to act sleepy.

"Mhm," I murmered. It was strangly quiet, so I glanced around, only to find everyone asleep. He either didn' notice, or didn't care.

"Are you sure? You look... I don't know, strained or something. Are you feeling ok?"

I propped myself up as well and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Peter, now that my shoulder is bandaged, I'm absolutly fine. The DLF says it'll be better in a couple of days."

"Alright," he said, and i rolled back over, hoping he would fall asleep so I could leave. After a few minutes of scilence, I turned back around. I found myself looking straight into his jet black pupils. I sighed inwardly and found myself staring back.

"What?" I asked him, a small smile on my face.

"Nothing," he smiled back. He continued to look at me.

"Is there something on my face or...?" I asked, pulling my hands up.

"No. You're just... I don't know. Something else."

I smiled. "Well you're something else too."

"No I mean you're really something else," We propped ourselves up on our elbows. "You seem to just, have this, glow, and your hair just lights up the dark, and sometimes, I swear I can see the ocean in your eyes. You're amazing." he said. I looked at him with wide eyes, smiling like an idiot, not beliving that what he just said was real, yet still hopeing it was. I saw his eyes droop to my lips and he leaned in. I closed my eyes slowly, hopeing, wishing, but knowing something had to interrupt us. Something always-

My train of thought stopped abruptly as I felt his smooth, perfect lips land gently on mine. My blood grew warm and my muscles turned to jelly. He consumed my thoughts. There was nothing else. Just him and I, secured in our tiny fleeting moment of perfection. His hand moved slowly to the nape of my neck and I felt a fling of warmth at his touch. It was perfect.

Suddenly I was yanked from this world of wonder by an oppressive force. I pulled away quickly and jerked my head up to the sky. The moon was almost directly over my head and I was literally having to physically resist the pull.

"What? What is it?" Peter asked looking at my face.

"Nothing, I just" I felt another yank, like my heart would get torn out of my chest, "I have to go."

"What? Look, I didn't"

"It's not you, okay? I'll be back," I called jumping up. I jogged to the edge of the clearing.

"Wait!" he cried out. I felt another more powerful yank at my heart, and it was actually painful for me to turn around.

"I'll be back soon!" I said to him walking backwards. I whirled back around and called over my shoulder, "Don't follow me!"

With that I disappeared into the the forest, tearing north through the night as if my life depended on it.


I came to a standstill at the waters edge, waiting in silence. I slowly slid off my shoes and stood, my toes not even an inch away from the water. I waited and waited until YANK! Another tug at my heart yanked my right foot forward. I began humming the traditional tune as I felt my left foot get pulled forward as well. I called out the first few notes, and then it had begun. I felt the other nymphs stir from below and heard all their heads break the smooth surface I was walking on. When they began singing along in the ancient language known only to us, I knew it was the time. I pulled myself forward slowly, on step after another, feet practically floating on top of the water, like my body refused to sink. The song began to slowly pick up its pace and I walked to the center and raised my head up to the sky. A wide beam of light shown down from the moon and landed on top of me and it slowly began getting thinner. I inhaled deeply as I waited for the next part. The beam suddenly reach the center of my heart and it snapped open widely, blowing my hair around my face and unlacing my cloak, so I was left in my royal blue gown. I felt my feet slowly raise up off the water and I began rising, higher and higher. I white ball of light had grown around me and I had trouble keeping my eyes open. I felt my hair grow paler and longer and flow smoothly around my waist. My eyes widened and my skin paled and my lips plumped up and became rose colored. I felt another tug at my heart, and this time, I gasped as a blue glowing orb was yanked out of my chest. A tendril of white moonlight reached into the orb and yanked away half of the blue light. The orb darkened in color and in brightness and I gasped again as it was shoved back into my chest. I could feel the light fading and I began getting slowly lowered back down. I blinked with tired eyes and I felt the cloak lace back around me. I floated back down onto the water and was laid down on the surface. My muscles buckled and I lay in an exhausted heap on the surface. The other nymphs finished singing abruptly and sank back underwater.

I began sinking into unconsciousness, when I realized that was t the only thing I was sinking into. I didn't realize that the nymphs would just go back to being dormant so soon. Normally they help the queen out of the water once she gives, but I guess they were to deep in dormancy. I was to exhausted to try to swim. I fought against the blackness pulling me under for a moment, but then I crumbled. I let myself sink into the cold black water.

How ironic. A water nymph drowning.

I felt a disturbance and slowly looked up, using the only energy I had left to see Peter diving down to me.

Then everything went black.


Yay long chapter!!!!! So sorry I haven't been updating, high school and girls wrestling practice has got me so busy I can't even think!!! I'll get you another chapter soon!!! Oh, and if you're wondering, the song they were singing was called Transformation from the Brother Bear soundtrack! Okay! I'm gonna go! Get another chapter to you soon!

Love Always,


Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now