Only Their Jokes

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Hermione let out a breath. Harry and Ron weren't taking the train apparently.  They probably ran late, they'll get there eventually. On the bright side, she got some well deserved alone time. Hermione fervently looked for an empty cart, she even boarded the train early! She sighed in relief when she found an empty cart. She curled up in the corner and read her book. Minutes later the cart door slid opened then slammed shut. Who ever entered was breathing heavily. Suddenly the cart door shook and magical escense seeped under the door.

"AND STAY IN THERE TRAITOR! GOOD LUCK GETTING OUT!" The person laughed,  it sounded oddly like Dean. Hermione looked up, Malfoy was leaning against the door. He hadn't noticed her yet, it seemed like he had his own problems. Hermione simply watched as Malfoy slid down the door, putting his head in his knees and mumbled.

"Are you...okay?" Malfoy stiffened and slowly looked up.

"What are you doing in here Granger?" He was already hostile, his eyes shifting all around the room. "Where's the rest of the trio?"

"First off, I was in here first, and secondly, I don't know where they are. They never boarded the train. Any ways, you okay?" Malfoy gave up, he began talking.

"I'm fine. Just.....annoyed."

"What happened?" She tilted her head. Malfoy sighed once again. Granger could easily pry him open.

"Well, I got into a fight then apparently locked in here. Least it's only you." Malfoy extended his legs.

"What do you mean?" Hermione glared at him, thinking that Malfoy was saying she was useless and not the little bit imtimidating. 

"Well, you are less annoying than both Potter and Weasley, you can be understanding and you mostly read." Hermione couldn't argue with that.

"Fair points, why dont you sit? You know, on a bench?" Hermione rose an eyebrow.

"Fine. But don't go tell everyone we were being civil." He put his nose in the air.

"I wouldn't dream of it Malfoy." She smiled, their conversations always had amused her.

"So, Granger, what are you reading?" Malfoy felt somewhat awkward.

"Just an old copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. You probably never heard of it."

"Actually Granger, I have. I enjoy doing minor things, like owning muggle books, to go against my parents. I can put a simple disillusion charm and they'll never know." He shrugged.

"Oh, do you like it?"

"I enjoyed it. It wasn't horrible, not the best book ever." He shrugged again, this conversation becoming awkward. 

"Not a man of many words I see." Hermione smirked.

"You could say the same for you Granger. You simply ask me simple questions therefore I give you simple answers. Ask better questions."

Hermione was taken aback, she didn't expect that kind of answer. "Then how bout we switch it up? Let's insult each other yea? I'm sure you'd enjoy the game. But, there are some rules. We can't purposely hurt each other's feelings and we have to apologize if one of us cries. Wanna play?"

"Sure. You can start." Both leaned forward, smirking, ready to insult each other.

"Lovely." Hermione cleared her throat. "Save some hair gel for the rest of the world Malfoy, dont be selfish."

"If I stop using hair gel and you start, the world would be drained of it. Your hair would use all of it." Both grinned, already becoming competitive,  seeing who could push the limits without making either cry.

For the whole train ride they went back and forth, insulting each other. By the time they had to get off the train neither wanted to, they wanted to stay and insult each other.

"Welp, it looks like it's time to go Malfoy. We'll have to find another time to insult each other."

"Oh, Granger the door won't open." Hermione stopped walking towards the door.

"I'll open it." Hermione cleared her throat,  "Alohamora." The door wouldn't budge. She tried stronger spells, nothing worked. "Well," she turned to face Malfoy. "Looks like we are stuck." Hermione sat down to think.

"Guess we'll be stuck here forever."  Draco also sat down, perfectly fine with being in there, it meant they could insult each other for longer.

"I have an idea!" Hermione jumped up and ran to the window. Propping it open wide enough to fit through. "Let's go!" Hermione squirmed out the window, landing gracefully on the ground below. Draco smiled lightly, and followed, he couldn't believe the stuff Hermione Granger would do to get an education.

Draco also landed gracefully,  surprised to see Granger waiting for him."Let's ride in the same cart!" Hermione grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him off into a carriage. Fortunately no one was around to see them. Draco ignored the thestrals, positive only he could see them. Hoping, actually, that Hermione couldn't. He felt somewhat protective of Hermione Granger. He shook off his thoughts, forcing himself to pay attention to present time.

"Do you want the left or right side?"

Did it really matter? "Uh, left?" He didn't know what to pick.

"Okay!" They continued their 'game' even coming up with nicknames for each other.

"Listen here blond ferret," Hermione was holding her sides.

"Yes personified book?" He rose an eyebrow, suppressing his own laughter.

"You are..." Hermione couldnt speak coherently she was laughing to hard. "You are the most dorkiest pureblood I ever met. Absolutely,  utterly, a dork!" Hermione burst out laughing, leaning on Draco for support.

Draco broke down laughing to, also leaning on Hermione. They recalled their whole conversation for the game. The driver tried to ignore the two, but it was hard, they were incredibly loud.

"Ah, young love." The driver commented. Draco and Hermione laughed even harder, that was such a ridiculous assumption! 

When they had to depart, they acted like they were losing a long lost friend. Both Hermione and Draco kept making eye contact and being forced to restrict a laugh. Halfway through the feast, Harry and Ron came in. They hurried over to the Gryffindor table, making small talk with the people around them. Eventually everyone went back to talking. Hermione and Draco made eye contact and broke out laughing, Harry and Ron looked at Hermione like she was crazy.

"What's so funny?" Both asked.

"Nothing, you wouldn't understand." Hermione and Draco made eye contact again, sharing a special joke only they would know.

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